hey read this flyaway and radar man

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

ok flyaway your a site administrator and your very nice but you have to step it up a notch improve the site like having a censoring system because its very bad to have people swearing at each other you dont see it alot but i have seen about a thousand bad words and im sure there are kids on this site that are young flight enthusaists so please enforce it.you also have to have some kind of button to press to stop your billing cycle instead of haveing to go to your credit card company and do all of that stuff becuase people want it to be quick and easy. also you have to listen to peoples problems and fix them hire a team of people and have them fix the problem.

now you radarman,your a great person and have alot of knowledge(so do you flyaway)but you as a site moderator have to enforce laws and stop people from swearing and keep a orderly fashion.

well i hope i didnt upset you guys in anyway and im sorry

sincerally, acepilot32(i wont be quitting anytime soon because i like it alot but please fix those problems if you can and i know im a nooby to this site but please listen)

p.s. i am paying 5 dollars a month so we deserve to be listened to

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

il tell my bro to stop that Censored


Censored By Radar

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

these are the type of ignorant people im talkin about or i read wrong....

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

I try to clean up all posts as I see them but some here like the one above you don't stop...my guess...he's about 6 or 8 years old.


Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

i had the writing in **** 🙄

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

thanks radar man for your response 🙂

now im just waiting for fly aways`s response to this

Pro Member First Officer
cheezyflier First Officer

acepilot32 wrote:

thanks radar man for your response 🙂

now im just waiting for fly aways`s response to this

i reccoment NOT holding your breath while waiting for that particular post.

Pro Member Trainee
xXx-DeathKid-xXx Trainee


Ah damn, no more swearing 😁 only kidding, this is a good idea, thanks RM Wink

edit: i put something a little ruder before in the hope it would blank it, lol, but it didnt so i changed it to damn 😛

this WILL be a good idea ONCE it is implemented 😀

Pro Member Chief Captain
VegasFlyer Chief Captain

acepilot32 wrote:

thanks radar man for your response 🙂

now im just waiting for fly aways`s response to this

It ain't gonna happen my friend. He might read it but he won't answer! 😉

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

how come he doesnt answere to anything

Pro Member Trainee
xXx-DeathKid-xXx Trainee

he is MIA, missing in action 😛

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

huh i wonder why he doesnt respond

Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

all apologez acepilot. im sorry for writin' that Embarassed Embarassed
my bro writes bad stuff ill get him to stop (hate him) 😉
i agree, flyaway wont respond 🙄

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

ugggg when will flyaway learn he will have to face his problems one day

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

you know what flyaway you have to face this sites problems because all your doing is sitting around when you could clean this site up a bit and if you want this website to be the most friendliest, flight simulation web site then youll have to clean this site up i am now thinking about quitting and im sure that more and more people are ganna quit due to ignorant people and its happened before .

Pro Member Trainee
xXx-DeathKid-xXx Trainee

well, i think your guaranteed to not have your membership renewed now Wink

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

acepilot32 wrote:

you know what flyaway you have to face this sites problems because all your doing is sitting around when you could clean this site up a bit and if you want this website to be the most friendliest, flight simulation web site then youll have to clean this site up i am now thinking about quitting and im sure that more and more people are ganna quit due to ignorant people and its happened before .

It's gone on for years now - I wouldn't waste your energy in seeking a response.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Drew B (belgeode) Chief Captain

Ace I dunno why you're getting worked up over it. Just don't pay em the five bucks. As often as you post though it looks to me (in my opinion) like you wanna stay.

Pro Member Chief Captain
VegasFlyer Chief Captain

belgeode wrote:

Ace I dunno why you're getting worked up over it. Just don't pay em the five bucks. As often as you post though it looks to me (in my opinion) like you wanna stay.

Well, as I understand he does wanna stay but don't wanna pay $5 every month cause he ain't gonna be having much spare time to hang around on the forums due to school and what not. It's a waste of money! 😉

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

no i still wanna be a member its just that this site needs to be cleaned a little

Pro Member Trainee
xXx-DeathKid-xXx Trainee

u just said u wanted to quit! WTF Ace Pilot!? Make ur mind up! 🙄

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

if you read it carefully i said that "I might quit"that means im deciding

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

flyaway i just want a comment from you about this and it can be any comment just comment me on this

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

acepilot32 wrote:

flyaway i just want a comment from you about this and it can be any comment just comment me on this


Pro Member Chief Captain
Drew B (belgeode) Chief Captain

Ace... a watched pot never boils.

From the sounds of it you are wasting your time hounding for a response that may never even come. Why don't you send him a private message instead of posting and hoping he sees it?

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

i guess your right i am just wasting my time to a reply that wont come ever

Pro Member Chief Captain
VegasFlyer Chief Captain

belgeode wrote:

Ace... a watched pot never boils.

From the sounds of it you are wasting your time hounding for a response that may never even come. Why don't you send him a private message instead of posting and hoping he sees it?

PM is not gonna work either. Flyaway gets tons of'em evry day.

Pro Member First Officer
faust1200 First Officer

I wouldn't pay $5 a month for this site. All the useful information comes from the users and Radarman which is free. I mean to see the "Flight Simulator X in stores 10/17/06!" banner nearly a year later and the same poll question "Do you plan to buy a copy of FSX?" It's obvious that the site owner doesn't really care about this site. To go from a $5 life membership to $5 a month seems pretty greedy considering what this site offers outside of the user based forums.

Pro Member Trainee
xXx-DeathKid-xXx Trainee

Lets see if he responds to this!

About 2 months ago, a guy posted info about a leak in the registration system for flyawaysimulation. It was later tested and proved, you can sign up for and use flyawaysimulation website without paying for it!

Gonna respond now FlyAway? 🙄

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

what do u mean?

Pro Member Chief Captain
VegasFlyer Chief Captain

acepilot32 wrote:

what do u mean?

Basically you can hack in.

Pro Member Trainee
xXx-DeathKid-xXx Trainee

exactamudo Wink

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

has this been fixed?and i bet thats how all of the spammers got on

o by the way i did find that this site does a auto censor but its the worst auto censor system you can see that it says it when you post a screenshot comment but its a very bad system as you you see all of the language

Pro Member Chief Captain
Drew B (belgeode) Chief Captain

i do not think it works so well..... just my opinion.

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

me neither

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

ok flyaway has to update this site because i just saw a fsx banner that said in stores 10-17-06 and this website is a little outdated

Pro Member Trainee
xXx-DeathKid-xXx Trainee


Pro Member Trainee
Kc (puppy-paw) Trainee


Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

puppy-paw wrote:


This is an old post mate, not really any point replying to it now

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

omg this post is old and stop spamming!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Pro Member First Officer
Concorde105 First Officer

acepilot32 wrote:

ok flyaway has to update this site because i just saw a fsx banner that said in stores 10-17-06 and this website is a little outdated


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