Weird Belfast and DC-8 in Sydney

Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

Does anyone know why on Sunday 12th of august in Sydney i saw an African international cargo dc-8 and a heavylift BELFAST, yeah a freakin' belfast! was in Sydney. I thought maybe for the APEC thing.

PS the Belfast was the only one flying in the world and i am back from my Sydney holiday. I know those planes weren't normal cause my friend told me he never sees em' and is a real pilot in the Sydney area

Help would be appreciated 🍻



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Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

anyone 😞

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

it could be a counicedence

Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

it could be 🙂 . so what would they be doing here anyways 😉 . thanks for the response 🍻 Group Wave 🍻

Pro Member Chief Captain
VegasFlyer Chief Captain

I think Welsh said there is an airport in Wales used for conducting tests on A380. Belfast is like an hour flight time away.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

VegasFlyer wrote:

I think Welsh said there is an airport in Wales used for conducting tests on A380. Belfast is like an hour flight time away.

i meant SHORTS belfast as in the plane 😂 😉 😂 . and an african international dc-8. if anyone dont know, it'll probably be in the aviation book my friend gets so i'll ask him 😉

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

the african cargo dc-8 could be being used to bring goods to africa or to bring food to africa from the amercian red cross but the belfast one i dont understand

Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

acepilot32 wrote:

the african cargo dc-8 could be being used to bring goods to africa or to bring food to africa from the amercian red cross but the belfast one i dont understand

could be, good explanation, thanks 😀 . i'm pretty sure the belfast is based in cairns 😉

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