ok today was like the last day till i have to start my first year of middle school so i was at my local skatepark with my friend and so i rode up there with my bike and my friends mom came to let me borrow his scooter so me and him are going on the ramps etc. so then this kid comes(my age) brings a pack of ciggerates and he starts smoking so i satrt to tell him to stop then a whole bunch of people came (all of them were my age or higher and lower age) so then everyone starts smoking the only people that didnt smoke were me,my friend,my other friends which were only like 2 people. so then the kid that was distributing them he takes his skateboard and he jumps off and it hits my ankle and it still hurts when i walk so i got really mad and started to chase him then i said i would tell the cops then i leave then i see the kid again and starts to talk to me then i tell him if i ever saw him again i would beat him up really bad then my friend calls me and tells me to come back and i ask him if anyones smoking then he said almost everyone left so i went back to the skatepark then i left to eat dinner and now im writing this post
i dont want to go to the cops then everyone will hate me for telling on them
wow lol, I never knew that 5th graders started smoking at that age. Kind of surprising I guess. Hope your first day at middle school goes good for ya.
i hope my first year goes well at middle school if the homework doesnt kill me first 🙂 but yeah i was surprised to that they smoke at such a young age
i cant wait for them to get caught
You did the right thing for not smoking, it takes courage to do what's right when so many of your friends are doing wrong. Say what you think about what they are doing then let them make up there own minds, you can't control other people. Go about your business and try not to associate with kids that smoke or do other bad things. Fighting doesn't solve anything and it's wrong to physically threaten people even if they are doing something wrong. Tell your parents about this and ask there advice.
i did ask my parents and after what i learned in D.A.R.E im never ganna smoke
i dont think im ganna ever be by them again im just ganna leave the next time they come to the skatepark
acepilot32 wrote:
i dont think im ganna ever be by them again im just ganna leave the next time they come to the skatepark
That's good thinking Ace. Don't hang around with people with whom you don't feel comfortable for what ever reason. 😉
thanks but im more worried about my friends
o and the kid that was giving the cigaretes said that his dad knows that he smokes and he took the smokes from his grandma
also the airforce is the main reason i dont wanna smoke because i dont want anything to get in my way from joining the airforce and getting the eagle scout badge because im a boy scout
That's the spirit! 😀
thanks i just wanna know why these kids think its cool to smoke
o and if your watching t.v. turn on the history channel(im the only one who watches the history channel in my school ) anyways on the history channel there ganna be talkin about 2 boeing 737`s crash i think but i know theres something about 2 737`s
Good for you mate
Don't let anyone pressure into anything, especially smoking
Mate i dig u for your actions. im 14 and at the skate park i freakin' hate them who smoke. smoke tastes like crap anyway 😂
i still cant wait until their parents find out 😀
and this wat there parents will do to them
from school and stuff
cheeks your right i to hate the smell of the smoke it smells awful
acepilot32 wrote:
cheeks your right i to hate the smell of the smoke it smells awful
crappy stuff 🙄 .
anyways that was a freakin' quick response 😂
acepilot32 wrote:
thanks i just wanna know why these kids think its cool to smoke
o and if your watching t.v. turn on the history channel(im the only one who watches the history channel in my school
) anyways on the history channel there ganna be talkin about 2 boeing 737`s crash i think but i know theres something about 2 737`s
Hey, if you wanna be an Air Force pilot you gotta have some solid knowledge about everyday things, history, geography, math, physics and History Channel is a great place to learn. Plus, you ain't the only one up here watching those educational channels. 😉 🍻
yea i try to learn as much as i can thats why i bought fs2004 to practice maneuvers(as a training aid) and for flying fun
i allllllllllllwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyssssss watch history, discovery, nat geo all the time. that crappy cartoon crap is
n00bish. Me and my best friend are some of the few in my school 🙄
lol i all the channels u just said ill watch any time but ill watch the simpsons, , family guy, futurama, and robot chicken those are the only cartoon shows and all of them but the simsons are on adult swim shows i watch and the ocassional if nothings on ill watch drake and josh
acepilot32 wrote:
lol i all the channels u just said ill watch any time but ill watch the simpsons, , family guy, futurama, and robot chicken those are the only cartoon shows and all of them but the simsons are on adult swim shows i watch and the ocassional if nothings on ill watch drake and josh
agreed. i meant like babyish shows like pokemon, spongebob abd those kind but futurama, family guy, simpsons, and drake and josh are all ok 😀
yep agree`ed
btw sorry for being off topic 😂 😂
lol its ok i always go off topic
if you wanna know something kinda interesting if you look at all the years before 2000 youll notice as you go up closer to 2000 somethings and laws are becomeing corrupt.
well im ganna go to bed night(its 2:14 a.m.)
acepilot32 wrote:
lol its ok i always go off topic
if you wanna know something kinda interesting if you look at all the years before 2000 youll notice as you go up closer to 2000 somethings and laws are becomeing corrupt.
well im ganna go to bed night(its 2:14 a.m.)
thats a good point 😛
I to hate the smellof smoke when your walking down a park or such and people are lighting their ciggeretts right there with no regard to what medical problem the person walking right in their path may have my aunt died of cancer from smoking when I was in the 4th grade the details of her death arestill painfull and the fact that I only saw her once in my life and don't remember but the sad thing is those kids who are soking are on the way to getting lung cancer and possibly others and they think its cool that they are tough stay away from them do good in school don't smoke and you should do very good in life just don't smoke
Good luck and great discicion 🍻
You got a good head on your shoulders there Ace... proud of ya.... now all we need to do is get them punctuation skills up 😉 😀
my dad's just rescentley given up, he gave up on 1st july (smoking ban start where i live)
i would never ever look at a ciggarette!
belgeode wrote:
You got a good head on your shoulders there Ace... proud of ya.... now all we need to do is get them punctuation skills up 😉 😀
im alot better at every day words im not so used to alot of aviation words because im still a bit new to aviation iv only started to get into aviation when i was in the third grade i think and im starting to go into 6th grade
acepilot32 wrote:
belgeode wrote:
You got a good head on your shoulders there Ace... proud of ya.... now all we need to do is get them punctuation skills up 😉 😀
im alot better at every day words im not so used to alot of aviation words because im still a bit new to aviation iv only started to get into aviation when i was in the third grade i think and im starting to go into 6th grade
I think he just means like throwing in a period at the end of a sentence.
These ....... little periods are in abundance and need good homes.
o lol i read it then quoted it then i thought he meant words now im embarrassed
don't be. I used to be an English major in college... so I always rag on people when they don't use proper punctuation or spelling lol.
acepilot32 wrote:
belgeode wrote:
You got a good head on your shoulders there Ace... proud of ya.... now all we need to do is get them punctuation skills up 😉 😀
im alot better at every day words im not so used to alot of aviation words because im still a bit new to aviation iv only started to get into aviation when i was in the third grade i think and im starting to go into 6th grade
i got into aviation when i was 2 years old . planes used to fly over my house and my dad was a huey pilot in vietnam so thats probably how.
well i started to think about aviation after my first plane ride which when i was like 4
acepilot32 wrote:
well i started to think about aviation after my first plane ride which when i was like 4
what plane. my first plane was a qf744 to frankfurt via singapore. that was when i was 2 and i still lived in sydney 😉
i think it was a boeing 737-400 with american airlines i think
that was my first one my second one wasnt so great i was going to marco island and i will put the listings in the flight as a equation.
bad weather+sever turbulence+girls screaming at the top of there lungs=very bad flight
acepilot32 wrote:
i think it was a boeing 737-400 with american airlines i think
that was my first one my second one wasnt so great i was going to marco island and i will put the listings in the flight as a equation.
bad weather+sever turbulence+girls screaming at the top of there lungs=very bad flight
i never have a bad flight because of the joy of being in a plane 😂 😂
just wait until you have to here girls screaming during bad weather because they think that there going down
acepilot32 wrote:
just wait until you have to here girls screaming during bad weather because they think that there going down
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