i want to find some aircraft downloads FSX

Pro Member Trainee
hammo Trainee

Can someone help me, i want to find some free aircraft downloads FSX!

-Boeing C-17 Cargomaster III
-Lockheed C-130H Hercules
-Beech 1900D
-Pilatus PC-12
-Fairchild Metro III
-BAE 146-200
-Saab 340
-McDonnell Douglas MD-83

or any big cargo plane, any help would be great!

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

The MSFS Gateway contains links to over 500 web sites offering a wide range of aircraft, scenery and other add-ons and downloads for Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS). Not very much out for FSX; it will take time.

Pro Member First Officer
n7xlq1 First Officer

There's a C-17 here in the Miltary section for FSX.

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