Throttle Thrust?

Pro Member Trainee
SkOrPn--7 Trainee

I'm not a flier of the large jet aircrafts but rather stick to the smaller type but...... Ever since I got FSX Deluxe version for some reason when you throttle up and get going then back the throttle off all that happens is it become erratic or is spools up even further.

I thought SP1 might fix this issue but it has continued to plague me with this problem. No other aircraft has this issue but only the big jet liners and tonight I decided to give one a fly because I all but given up with them. Well guess what no change it still happens.

I can have a clean install or mods added it doesn't matter this problem has plagued me since I go the sim.

Has anyone here experienced the same issue and found a fix or is this a well known bug that has never been addressed?

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Pro Member Captain
Doyley Captain

I guess that you are using a joystick? If so, make sure that it is calibrated properly. Check the control panel.

Pro Member Trainee
SkOrPn--7 Trainee

Yes I am using a joy stick but it is all calibrated and because of that I'm totaly lost as to why only the big jets do this.

Pro Member First Officer
abmukh80 First Officer

SkOrPn--7 i suggest please give a bigger perspective of what exactly is happening and why are you doing it! I guess then someone would be able to help you


Pro Member Trainee
SkOrPn--7 Trainee

abmukh80 wrote:

SkOrPn--7 i suggest please give a bigger perspective of what exactly is happening and why are you doing it! I guess then someone would be able to help you


Well I taxie onto the run way with this big sucker of a jet and get clearance then power up and retract flaps and retract under carriage then back of the thrust and this is when it becomes erratic or the thrust increase to a point were I no longer have control. then out of the blue you regain control of power to bring the craft down for landing and when on approach it goes all erratic again and powers up then again you loose control and have to abort the landing.

Only happens in the big jets and like I said all mods and other air craft are just fine with no issues and because I really don't fly the big stuff I just gave up and placed it down too a glitch or bug in the game but even SP1 didn't fix it. This happens in both missions or just free flight. Don't know what else to say as that about sums it up.

Pro Member First Officer
abmukh80 First Officer

I dont think its a bug or anythin close that!!!!

On the contrary I only fly jets and I've never faced or heard of such a problem. Maybe you aren't used to flying jets thats why u feel it overspeeds!!!!

Which aircraft are you using? Is it a default FSX aircraft or some addon stuff???

Pro Member Trainee
JG3Bulldog Trainee

Sounds like you have the autopilot controlling the throtle.

Pro Member First Officer
abmukh80 First Officer

Ya may be somehow the AP is enabled. Check the N1 switch, the speed hold switch. Cross check all instruments and revert back.

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