no cd cracks

Pro Member Trainee
SMORGS Trainee

hi all, just trying to play call of duty 2 and have a no cd crack ready for it but have no idea what to do with it. i tried extracting it but it shows "there is a crc error"etc.
how can i fix this and play my game without using the cd all the time?

help would be greatly appreciated.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

Make sure it's in the BASE Call of Duty folder. Example: Go into My Computer, Program Files, look for Call of Duty 2. Then put the crack in there. Then go into the base folder and play from THERE πŸ˜‰

Pro Member Trainee
SMORGS Trainee

thanks man, i'm just not a computer minded individual. so i will give that a shot and come back if i'm still stuck on square one.

Pro Member Trainee
SMORGS Trainee

the cd crack is a rar file. but i'm not sure whether you mean to extract it. sorry but you may have to get specific for me lol.
i think i know what the base folder is, but its strange, the multiplayer part works fine its just the singleplayer part. when i try to copy the rar file into the singleplayer part it notifies me to put in the cod cd. but when i try to extract the rar it says crc error.

do you know what i'm talking about?

Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

SMORGS wrote:

the cd crack is a rar file. but i'm not sure whether you mean to extract it. sorry but you may have to get specific for me lol.
i think i know what the base folder is, but its strange, the multiplayer part works fine its just the singleplayer part. when i try to copy the rar file into the singleplayer part it notifies me to put in the cod cd. but when i try to extract the rar it says crc error.

do you know what i'm talking about?

Ummm, no not really πŸ˜‚ Try using this crack
Right click, save target as, then extract, then do what I originally said πŸ˜‰ I'm not too good with Rar's Embarassed

Pro Member Trainee
SMORGS Trainee

cheers buddy πŸ˜€

Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain


Pro Member First Officer
cheezyflier First Officer
Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

cheezyflier wrote:

ROFL ROFL 🍻 πŸ‘ Group Wave 🍻 ROFL ROFL

Pro Member Trainee
SMORGS Trainee

too late. can't resist a crack like that!

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