
Pro Member Trainee
Zayaan Wasif (ZAY) Trainee

well the airoplanes are much worser than in the flight sim 2000!but i did some add ons too make the game funner!

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Pro Member First Officer
cheezyflier First Officer
Pro Member First Officer
Bran09 First Officer

haha thats a funny saying

Pro Member Captain
bawls327 Captain

cheezyflier wrote:

Lol I think I agree

Pro Member Chief Captain
VegasFlyer Chief Captain

ZAY wrote:

well the airoplanes are much worser than in the flight sim 2000!but i did some add ons too make the game funner!

Pro Member Chief Captain
Drew B (belgeode) Chief Captain

trick or treat!!!!

ummm trick for 500 alex...

Pro Member Trainee
Zayaan Wasif (ZAY) Trainee

how the heck did i killed a cat by sending a post?TELL ME!!!!!!

Pro Member First Officer
cheezyflier First Officer

maybe i should have posted this instead:

Pro Member Chief Captain
Drew B (belgeode) Chief Captain


OMG... I needed that laugh!

Pro Member Trainee
Zayaan Wasif (ZAY) Trainee

do u like flight sim 2004 aircraft? be honest okay! πŸ˜€

Pro Member Captain
GermΓ‘n Campopiano (Oberkomando) Captain

ZAY wrote:

do u like flight sim 2004 aircraft? be honest okay! πŸ˜€

I DO! 😎

Pro Member Chief Captain
Drew B (belgeode) Chief Captain

Flight Sim 2004 has been the best thing to happen to my computer gaming. The aircraft are superb, and I enjoy flying all over the country. Every add on I include makes the game better and I enjoy telling stories of my flights, as you can see in Screenshots forum for Steeler Air.

So yeah... I love FS2004.

Pro Member Captain
Welshflyer Captain

belgeode wrote:

Flight Sim 2004 has been the best thing to happen to my computer gaming. The aircraft are superb, and I enjoy flying all over the country. Every add on I include makes the game better and I enjoy telling stories of my flights, as you can see in Screenshots forum for Steeler Air.

So yeah... I love FS2004.

Oh i've got to second that old boy πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

Pro Member First Officer
cheezyflier First Officer

almost all the really cool stuff in my fsx hangar is stuff i brought from fs9.
i even brought the jenny, and it flies great in fsx. my only gripes about fs9 aircraft are:

1) the auto pilot shuts itself off after a few minutes to make sure you don't fly on a/p on long flights. i found this out by setting a heading, and taking a nap.

2) the dc-3 gives me fits trying to taxi it. the fsx version is much better
(in my opinion)

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