World of AI VS Project AI

Project AI or World of AI?
Project AI
 50%  [ 4 ]
World of AI
 50%  [ 4 ]
Total Votes : 8
Pro Member Trainee
Bartfs Trainee

Wich one do you prefer?
Im currently having alot of PAI airlines but when i first came to the world of AI site i saw that they have loads of updated airlines 😳

So, Wich one has more framerate friendly models?

Last edited by Bartfs on Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:53 pm, edited 1 time in total

Answers 12 Answers

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Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain

I like World Of AI better !!!

You should of done a poll for people to vote !!!

Pro Member Chief Captain
Drew B (belgeode) Chief Captain

I been using PAI exclusively... but I will check the other out. One can never have too much AI.

Pro Member Trainee
Bartfs Trainee

Poll added 😉

Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain

I'v cast my vote

Pro Member Chief Captain
VegasFlyer Chief Captain

I prefer PAI over WAI even though I don't use any of them. For aome reason my computer doesn't like .Net Framework 2 on board. 😕

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

WOAI is much easier to install once the foundation has been laid that is, the WOAI Installer (small file) downloaded and the instructions how to use it read.
The .NetFramework should already reside on your HDD if you have XP SP1 installed. Unfortunately this turns into a hurdle for many - but I think it's all in the mind.

PAI has plenty of toys that WOAI doesn't supply.

Then there are others such as EvolveAi : and Ai-Aardvark : to name but two.

They all have strong and weaker points, why restrict yourself to only one?

Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain

Tailhook wrote:

WOAI is much easier to install once the foundation has been laid that is, the WOAI Installer (small file) downloaded and the instructions how to use it read.
The .NetFramework should already reside on your HDD if you have XP SP1 installed. Unfortunately this turns into a hurdle for many - but I think it's all in the mind.

PAI has plenty of toys that WOAI doesn't supply.

Then there are others such as EvolveAi : and Ai-Aardvark : to name but two.

They all have strong and weaker points, why restrict yourself to only one?

You make a very good point there Tailhook, I might try useing both 😀

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

I keep forgetting about MAIW (Military AI Works) ➡

They're working together with and are using the same installer as WOAI - unless things have changed recently.

I'm not sure they have much British Military AI if any Morris; but if you're a soldier of fortune like yours truly, flags, colours, countries, carriers and employers don't mean much 😎

Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain

Tailhook wrote:

I'm not sure they have much British Military AI if any Morris; but if you're a soldier of fortune like yours truly, flags, colours, countries, carriers and employers don't mean much 😎

Ok cool

By the way im not one of these people who have to have everything british and have flags everywhere.

I only have that bulldog as my pic because i have a british bulldog (she's 9) oh and i do have a british flag in my room but thats because i used it for the world cup last year.

😂 i have already downloaded some of the USAF off of the WOAI website i have heard there doing a RAF AI but dunno when, i saw it in there forum's.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Drew B (belgeode) Chief Captain

Tailhook I may check out the military AI you posted... but tell me, does it arrange by squadrons? or type of aircraft?

I am looking to add the 911th airlift and 171st air refueling wing that currently reside at KPIT. That will fill out the other half of the airport.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

morris91 wrote:

I only have that bulldog as my pic...

That's a Bulldog?? I thought it was one of those things the Queen has... for protection you know 😳

Just had another look at the map ➡

There seems to be a RAF Coningsby package consisting of Jaguars and Tornados and a RAF Lakenheath with F-15s available -- or maybe they're still in the works, I can't quite figure it out.

@belgeode - it appears some packages are arranged by squadrons, others by type of a/c. Have a look at this list and read some of the file descriptions:

I'd just like to remind you all that the beauty of using the Installer is that the very same Installer lets you UNINSTALL packages you don't like with ease. 🤔 Yes, I promise! 😀

Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain

Tailhook wrote:

morris91 wrote:

I only have that bulldog as my pic...

There seems to be a RAF Coningsby package consisting of Jaguars and Tornados and a RAF Lakenheath with F-15s available -- or maybe they're still in the works, I can't quite figure it out.

Yer i did already download a RAF Coningsby from Just Flight i fink.

I have uninstalled id now 😂 it was 5Gigs Surprised

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