Speed Brake & Spoiler problem!

Pro Member Trainee
Pappy55 Trainee

for some reason my speedbreaks and spoilers do not work anymore apon landing..

This happened after changeing panels for the POSKY 747-200.

Has anyone else had this happen to them?

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Pro Member First Officer
Odyssey First Officer

I have had a panel change incur problems on my aircraft before but nothing like this. Silly question but do you know for sure whether the panel is entirely compatible with the a/c?

Pro Member Trainee
Pappy55 Trainee

Its the 'Boeing 747 Classic' panel on AV sim and the description cleary states

"Photorealistic Boeing 747-200 panel for FS2004 with photorealistic side windows. Best recommendation to use it with Project Opensky Boeing 747-200 aircraft. FS2004 only. Not been tested with FS2002. Requires some default gauges!!"

Pro Member Trainee
Pappy55 Trainee


I put the yoke and throttle sensativities back to default and its fine..

I guess it wasent detecting the throttles idle correctly there for breaks and spoilers would not deploy.


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VegasFlyer Chief Captain

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