Looking for an FS9 Version of a 1937 Spartan Exec. Anyone?

Pro Member Trainee
skydancer Trainee

I have a few pics of an Exec.But I,m not much of an artist.Interested in the plane because I'm a Spartan Graduate.If anybody cares to try making this model I'll be glad to E-mail the pics I have.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

There were a few made for 95 and 98 but nothing after that.
Try a Ryan, they have the high polish and the configurations are similar.



Pro Member Trainee
skydancer Trainee

the 1938 Ryan is pretty close , but lacks the Spartan markings ,the hard top,and the wing tip tanks.I did download it though, I still hope someone out there is willing to do a "37" Spartan Executive as there are probably more Spartan students and Alumni who would enjoy it. P.S. I have fs98 if anyone knows an URL where this can be downloaded. Thanks again.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

I'm trying to remember how many there were, I think about 6 for the two.
I only found them at flight sim.
You can sign in free and hope that you hit it when it's not busy.
They'll let you in to download at their slow servers free, but $30 a year anytime and fast servers.

Go to Search and feed in Spartan, or Spartan Executive for all the files.


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Fly Away Simulation (Flyaway) Site Admin

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