I found a free program from ABACUS for editing the AIR Flie in FS2002. I would like to find a simular program for FS2004. I am gieing to get inside an AIR File to see what can be tweaked.
Just right click on it and choose notepad to open it.
waj2306 wrote:
I found a free program from ABACUS for editing the AIR Flie in FS2002. I would like to find a simular program for FS2004. I am gieing to get inside an AIR File to see what can be tweaked.
I think you might be interested in this site: http://pagesperso-orange.fr/hsors/index.html
In the 'Airfiles editors and design' section you'll find 'AirEd v1.52'.
v1.52 appears to be the most recent version for the .exe file. You'll also need the 'aired.ini file' - this one was updated 5/10/05 - ostensibly compatible with fs9.
Thanks Ya'll! Just what I was looking for! Now I'm getting DANGEROUS!
what does the air file contain?
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