new mother board (CPU)

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

ok im currently looking for a new motherboard since im mutilating my hp one and im having no luck finding one i remember seeing one called xfx 650 im also looking for a new case preferably a cyber spacy one

im trying hard but am having no luck finding cheap but good cases/

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Pro Member Trainee
krichard Trainee

just buy a new cpu on ebay or ubid........

Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

im one those people that doesnt like to buy from other people because it could be in bad condition and im only 12 so i dont even have a credit card my mom also wont buy it because she thinks a graphix card is all i need.

only thing im capable of doing is taking everything out of my computer and putting in the new board and put everything back in

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