7X7 Add-on for FSX + Vista64 ?

Pro Member Trainee
airwolfe Trainee

I am looking for a good add on 737/747/757/767/777 for FSX and Vista64. I have the boxed version of 737PIC from Wilco... but I need the b2 patch in order to make it work with Vista (and really it is only rated for Vista32) and I can't get ahold of that patch, as of yet.

So I was wondering... is there any good 7X7 add on aircraft that is tested and ready for FSX and Vista64 ?


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Pro Member Trainee
james (blackforce) Trainee

yeah the leveld 767 the pmdg 747 and the maddog 2006 the leved is real nice and the pmdg is ok but over priced wish i had not spent the money for it it's like 70 bucks, the maddog i think is only 46 dollors and it is thebest of the 3


take a look you will love the maddog oh and they all work on 64 bit systems thats what im playing on have a nice day

Pro Member Trainee
airwolfe Trainee

Thanks for the response ! I like the MD80 series... I might have to check that out. I am real interested in the leveld... I think the MCP would work nicely with my GoFlight MCP-Pro module.

I have done a lot more reading about the 737PIC that I have and managed to get it working... SP2 is still causing FSX to CTD, but I may have found a fix for that. What a hobby !

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