Downloading missions

Pro Member Trainee
matt_flyaway Trainee

after you download a mission..... does anyone know how to get it running in the game?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

You install it into the Sim (FSX) and after you've started up the Sim you select the mission from the menu.

Pro Member Trainee
matt_flyaway Trainee

install it to the sim? I tried saving into the missions folder but that didnt work either.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

matt_flyaway wrote:

install it to the sim? I tried saving into the missions folder but that didnt work either.

Would I lie to you?

You download files, you save them to your HDD (hard drive), you extract the contents of .zip files and you install files and folders into the flight simulator.

In case you downloaded a .zip file, it should contain a small .txt document called the ReadMe - it should tell you what to do.

Pro Member Trainee
matt_flyaway Trainee

so it is all working now but the leader plane in the mission doesnt show up. in the read me file it said to copy some text and past it into the cfg file. When i clicked on the cfg file it opened the game. What am i doing wrong?

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

matt_flyaway wrote:

so it is all working now but the leader plane in the mission doesnt show up. in the read me file it said to copy some text and past it into the cfg file. When i clicked on the cfg file it opened the game. What am i doing wrong?

You have to make sure that you edit the correct .cfg file because there are several different ones. Before you start editing it, back it up in case you screw up.
To open any .cfg file, right click on it and select Open with... Notepad.

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