1st of all i have to say that i'm using SP1 & SP2 of fsx + windows xp sp3
Hey to all of you i relay need help in this one
I'm seeing like 90% of my add ones as white screen only
that means :
in the preview display of the airplane that spin 360 degrees
I'm seeing a white screen on the specific plane and then when i press "fly"
I'm seeing the 3d cockpit him self on white the 2d cockpit works properly
most of the times also the out side view is white blank white as well the (F11) view
anyone can help me to solve this please ?
the default airplane that comes with the FSX
are working 100% fine
its only add ones problems
need help please
i would like to fly using my add ones
which includes : aerosoft's,flight1's etc..
While XP can't use DX10 if your card can there may be a box in the graphics tab of the Sims settings that says DX10.
It would be above the lens flare box.
Be sure that it does not have a check in it.
If that's not it your video card may not be rendering the textures properly.
Try new drivers, but I would go with the first one first.
I'll try to follow what u've saying here but honeslty seem like my graphic card does not support dx10 ah even its nvidia gefore 9600 with 512 mb HD
maybe it could be an old drivers who need to be updated as you said
anyway i'll come to post it you helped me out to solve this problem
thanks a lot
hey im not seing nothing about DX10 in a box nothing appear that saying that
where do i find it ? do dissable it
Is that the GeForce 9600 GT, if so it is DX10 compliant.
You find it where I said, in the Sims settings on the graphics tab above thr lens flare box.
If it's not there then it's not whats bothering your textures.
Try cleaning out the old drivers and installing new drivers.
did all the DX tap are simply now shown then it's missing
updated my graphic drivers i did it all
what is bothering i do not know and yes I've notice that my graphic card support dx10
Can you post a screenshots of the problem.
Can you list the specs of your computer.
notice that no airplane are showin it's missing and replaced by a blank white screen which is the same using virtual cockpit and F11 option view
Here you can see there is no DX10 tab to disable the option and i've checked DX10 is installed successfully and working properly.
the computer info you needed is list here
i have to say that many add ones are working same as this problem (having problems)
such as
pilot in command 737
flight 1 ATR
add on by aerosot,flight1 and many more
i really hope u can help me out im going nuts never seen or heared about this problem
thanks for your time.
even my OS had directx 9.0 using the sp2 for fsx i know 10 is made for visa it wasn't work before even with 9.0 so now i downloaded 10 hopefully to improve it still the same so it's not the dx problem i guess because even before it has the same problem with out using the dx 10
anyway i did restore my windows to erase the DX 10 back to 9
Nope, no DX10 box and you have a good machine.
I never saw a blank menu box before.
I know that the wrong drivers can cause the aircraft to show up distorted but not missing.
You aren't using Nvidias Enhancer are you, I know that it can cause some problems.
What driver version are you using.
Go to start/run/ and type in dxdiag/ press OK and that will show you what version of drivers you have.
No Enhancer right?
i don't know what enhancer is
and the latest of November 2009 driver for 9 Nvidia series
but same used to happen with the original cd driver that i got with my graphic card
Try dropping in the FSX DVD and clicking on repair, see if that helps.
It's usually the drivers but this cannot harm anything.
stereomatic wrote:
i don't know what enhancer is
and the latest of November 2009 driver for 9 Nvidia series
but same used to happen with the original cd driver that i got with my graphic card
You need FSX SP2/Acceleration for DX10 Preview. You also need Vista.
i did repair installation didn't helped out
do you recommend me to get acceleration maybe that might help the situation ?
Acceleration contains SP1 ands SP2.
The best way to use it (especially in your case) would be to do a complete uninstall of FSX.
Reinstall FSX and then Acceleration.
Best way.
thanks I'll try and get back to you hopefully this time it will solve my weird problem which I've never seen at no one's Sim
BTW the link you sent me does related to fsx ?
what's wrong by uninstalling it from the "add/remove" under control panel ?
The link is for FS9 but works for FSX.
This way everything is removed and nothing can interfere withe the new install.
If you don't do it the way MS said you can run into the same problems again by leaving folders or registry errors behind.
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