Every time I play in multiplayer a few minutes after I join (on the off chance I actually get in without game spy kicking me out) I always get a CTD with a fatal error message please help me this is really aggravating!
I really wish Microsoft and Game spy would get off their and fix the problem with multiplayer
I've never done a good mutiplayer but i heard the problems they are:
😳 😞
lol feel better that I am not the only one
Well I guess there is not much we can do but try to use it as best we can
Get off gamespy and connect to FSX servers directly. Normally, servers will post thier Ventrilo/Teamspeak IP along with their server's IP.
Some addon aircraft are known to cause this here is a LONG list 😳 :
U-Boat - Bruce Fitzgerald
SSN-688 - Richard Hogen
Freeware A-10 Warthog
Abacus F-18E Superhornet
Albatrossx - Eugene Heyart
Alphasim A-6E Intruder
Alphasim B-52G
Alphasim B-52H
Alphasim C-5 Galaxy
Alphasim C-17 Globemaster
Alphasim C-141
Alphasim EA-6 Prowler
Space Shuttle Atlantis - Bruce Fitzgerald
Boeing 707C - Libardo Guzman
Boeing 727 - Alejandro Rojas
Boeing T-45 - Dino Cattaneo
C-5 Galaxy - DELETED
C-17 Cargo - DELETED
c414jpx - Premier Aircraft
crj200 - Premier Aircraft
CS B757 - Captain Sim
CS C130 - Captain Sim / Possible Comm Lag
CS F-117 - Captain Sim
CS FA-18D - Captain Sim
CVN76 - Bruce Fitzgerald
Dehavilland DHC6 - Premier Aircraft
E-2C2k2 - Bob Chicilo
EA-18G Growler V2 - Team FS KBT
Eaglesoft Beechjet Hawker - Eaglesoft
Cessna Citation II - Eaglesoft
Electra Cargo - Team FS KBT
Electra Passenger - Team FS KBT
FA-18E Superhornet - Team FS KBT
UAV Predator - Abacus
FeelThere 737 - DELETED
Flight Sim Nation Carrier
Fouga Magister BLANC
Fouga Magister BLEU
Fouga Magister ROUGE
FSX-BMW - Mike Keller
Boeing 747 Shuttle Carrier
FSXF Nimitz - FSXF
FSX USCG Huey - Jordan Moore
Grumman F-14D - Dino Cattaneo
Gulf IV FSX - Danny Garnier
Gulfstream G100 - Peter Brun
Gulfstream IV - Rick Sasala
Gulfstream V - Lider Designs
Boeing E-3D - Historic Jetliners Group
Boeing EC-137 - Historic Jetliners Group
Humvee - Bruce Fitzgerald
iFDG MD11 FedEx - International Flightsim Design Group
Ike Nimitz
Iris A-10A Warthog
Iris Classics
Iris F-14A Tomcat
Iris F-15E
Iris F-16D
JBK Short Solent 3 - Jens Kristensen
JBK Short Solent 4 - Jens Kristensen
JCA DC-9 30/40/50 - Jet City Aircraft
KC-10 - Flightsoft
KC-135T - Chuck Grimes + Rok Dolenec
Legendary AC-130E - Captain Sim
Legendary C-130 - Captain Sim
Legendary CL-130 - Captain Sim
Legendary E-3 - Captain Sim
M1A1 - Bruce Fitzgerald
P8A Poseidon - Damien-13N
POSKY Boeing 777 - Brandon Henry
Sludge F-18
T-1A - Henry Tomkiewcz
T-38A - FSD
USCG Chase
USS Fitzgerald
USS Port Royal
USS Salt Lake City
V-22 - Vlad Zhyhulskiy
VRS Superbug
XS-3B Viking - DSB Design
Hope this helps!
Oh yeah, all the Thomas Ruth aircraft are known cause this problem as well.
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