Freeware CH-53

Pro Member Trainee
Tom Kilpatrick (Tom12) Trainee

I have been searching the internet for hours on end today for a good CH-53...

I specifically want a FREEWARE one...

Thanks in advance...

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain
Pro Member Trainee
Tom Kilpatrick (Tom12) Trainee

Hey RadarMan...
Just a note...It's a CH-53 not A Chinok...

Do you know where I can get the Nemeth Designs CH-53E Super Stallion that was featured in this article?

And in othernews...
I have decided to join Delta VA...Is the Delta VA any good? Any potential downsides etc etc...


Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Tom12 wrote:

Do you know where I can get the Nemeth Designs CH-53E Super Stallion that was featured in this article?

That's payware, I saw it just now at fspilotshop for US$32.00

Sorry, we can't give links anymore. It's worthwhile visiting the Nemeth Designs site to see what they have on offer. You'll find all the links there as well.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

I know, no free that I know of just a few pay.

As for the VA,. I don't know how good they are, give them a try and see.


Pro Member Trainee
Tom Kilpatrick (Tom12) Trainee

Will Do...


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