Realistic ATC communications

Pro Member First Officer
Nick (truckernick) First Officer

Ok i sick of default unrealistic ATC, it's nothing like when i talk to real ATC.
So does anyone know of a program that's gives you more realistic ATC, like requesting clearance into class bravo airspace or charlie or what not?
And option like transition altitudes and such?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Have you considered 'Radar Contact'?

Pro Member First Officer
Nick (truckernick) First Officer

Tailhook wrote:

Have you considered 'Radar Contact'?

Is that the name of a program? that i could use?

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Yes Sir, just google Radar Contact -- I think v4 is the latest version.

Pro Member First Officer
Nick (truckernick) First Officer

Tailhook wrote:

Yes Sir, just google Radar Contact -- I think v4 is the latest version.

All check that out, thanks.

Pro Member First Officer
Bob (Traches) First Officer

Another vote for radar contact... I use it pretty much exclusively and I don't believe it gets more realistic.

Pro Member Trainee
SimmerGuy Trainee

You might also review VOX-ATC. It is as close to real as it gets.

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