Can CFS2 work with Windows 7? I would sure appreciate some knowledgable feedback, as simply surfing this topic online has led me all over the map. Can CFS2 be configured/installed to work properly with Win7, including a force feedback joystick and rudder pedals? I do have an XP machine, which I could dedicate to gaming. However, if I can get CFS2 to work with Win 7, I would like to donate the XP machine so that someone in need of it can use it for general computing. After all my seaarching, to whoever may be out there and can truly answer this question, I thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Janice Larkin[/b][/b]
Yes it works, be sure you make yourself administrator for that game.
As for your hardware get any drivers you need (if they have them) at Microsoft.
Sorry that I am not sure how to do these - haven't used a forum before. But given that there are all sorts of conflicting opinions on the Web (if I google this topic) are you sure that CFS2 will work with Win 7? I do understand about the drivers. Do you have any specific advice about how best to install? (E.G. Is it best to install using XP compatibility mode, or just to install without trying any modifications?) I do thank you for your time!
I understand your consternation for two reasons: CFS2 is a unique FS and as you've already found out, to get reliable info of whether or not W7 will run CFS2 is nearly impossible to come by.
Here is Microsoft's 'enlightening' revelation concerning Compatibility mode:
Well, pathetic in my mind, we all knew that anyway. What irks me is that they make no mention of the fact that in order to use Compatibility mode you MUST use one of the flagship W7 versions. A friend found this out the hard way when he bought a new computer equipped with W7 Home Premium and couldn't even run FS2004.
After all the rubbish I read in all kinds of forums on this topic since your original post, I am convinced that your best and safest course of action would be to take out free membership with SOH (Sim Outhouse) and ask the folks over there.
This might sound far-fetched if your not familiar with SOH... I can assure you though, if your interest in CFS2 and other Combat simulators for that matter persists, you will sooner rather than later end up at SOH.
Thanks a lot, folks. I really appreciate your replies. And yes, it is unfortunate that this issue is so opaque! Given that I still have my XP machine, I'm gonna just load into the Win7 machine, download drivers, and see if it'll fly. If not, I'll just uninstall and keep the XP machine for CSF2. (I am a former pilot who happened to be in a commercial plane crash - as a passenger - in Alaska in 1996. I can no longer pass airman's physical, but I really enjoy, just every now and again, spending some time still flying, practicing landings in varying conditions, spin recovery, even occasionally bombing a hanger after a long day I really like the genuine feel of the aircraft in CFS2. Will let you know how the install goes, and again, thanks for your expertise!
Good luck and enjoy!
larkiv wrote:
Thanks a lot, folks. I really appreciate your replies. And yes, it is unfortunate that this issue is so opaque! Given that I still have my XP machine, I'm gonna just load into the Win7 machine, download drivers, and see if it'll fly. If not, I'll just uninstall and keep the XP machine for CSF2. (I am a former pilot who happened to be in a commercial plane crash - as a passenger - in Alaska in 1996. I can no longer pass airman's physical, but I really enjoy, just every now and again, spending some time still flying, practicing landings in varying conditions, spin recovery, even occasionally bombing a hanger after a long day
I really like the genuine feel of the aircraft in CFS2. Will let you know how the install goes, and again, thanks for your expertise!
Do let us know how you are getting on as I am a MSCFS2 fanatic myself. I don't know if I've mentioned the possibility of a dual-boot but I personally lack the courage to get tangled up in that sort of thing.
There is something floating around on the interweb called Windows Xp for flash drive... or something similar - it may be worthwhile looking into; perhaps it's XP tailored for our purpose 😀
PS: As a former pilot I am sure that I am not the only one who would like to see more of you on this forum... having said that - I am not sucking up to former or current pilots; but anyone who posts using English - being British, American, Zimbabwean, or Singaporean etc. etc. can only be an asset.
Hi, folks. As you were very kind to respond with your thoughts and expertise, I wanted to send along the result of my attempting installation into Win7. In general, the OS did accept the program, but it didn't work well in it, even given the compatibility settings. Basically, there was not full range of the control surfaces...which can ruin a flight pretty quickly...and the whole thing felt sorta 'stuck in molasses' - like flying through water rather than air. Having said that, I cannot completely rule out that the program might still work with a newer joystick than the Wingman force feedback that I have from the early 2000's. (FYI, the CH rudder pedals worked well - but opening the configuration program for the joystick actually froze the computer.) Fortunately, I still have my XP machine, so I am just going to keep that, and dedicate it to gaming. Thanks for your comments!
It's quite old to play on W7 but for XP it should be perfect, have fun with it and thanks for coming back to tell us.
I made myself administrator using notebook. CFS2 runs normally but I cannot import any missions or campaigns.
There does not seem to be any solutions. I told Microsoft to fix Windows7 to make CFS2 work. I doubt if anything will be done.
Perhaps if all CFS2 fans complain to Microsoft we might get a patch to fix the problem.
2016 02 19
RE: Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2 (CFS2) and Windows 7 incompatibility.
I got it working today on my Win7 Home Premium 32Bit rig!
Intel Core2 Quad CPU Q6600 @2.40 GHz processor
AMD Radeon HD 5500 1GB video ram card
It appears that "tricking" CFS2 into thinking it is on a 64 bit rig does the trick.
1. Create a sub-directory structure (folders is a term used by people under 30) on your C: drive as:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 2
2. Install CFS2 from the original two CD set using:
Custom Install (complete)
Install to the sub-directory created in step 1.
3. Set the COMPATIBILITY MODE of the file CFS2.exe found in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 2 right-clicking it PROPERTIES COMPATIBILITY
.................set to Win XP SP2
...............check the DISABLE VISUAL THEMES radio box
.................check the RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR radio box
.....................single-left click CHANGE FOR ALL USERS
.....................single-left click APPLY
.....................single-left click OK
Run the game.
I also used Michael Priester's 64bit patch to get SFS2 to run on Win8.1 64bit.
hi mate i have the tip for cfs2 on simply the no cd patch here !: CD PatchRun a legal copy of CFS2 without the disks ****
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