Newbie - having issues with brakes

Pro Member Trainee
eabing Trainee

Hi all,

I just installed FSX last week and I'm just doing the newbie missions. But, I seem to be having problems with releasing the brakes on some of the planes in the newbie missions. The period is supposed to release or disengage the brakes but it doesn't work? I noticed that if continously tap on the period key "sometimes" it works. I tried to re-map the brake key to a different keyboard key but same thing. What am I doing wrong? Please help!

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FockWulfe Guest

Are you using a joystick? If not I highly recommend it, and if you are trying using it to release the brake, typically the trigger. If not you can always click on the emergency brake handle in the cockpit.

Pro Member Trainee
eabing Trainee

FockWulfe wrote:

Are you using a joystick? If not I highly recommend it, and if you are trying using it to release the brake, typically the trigger. If not you can always click on the emergency brake handle in the cockpit.

I'm actually using a Logitech Extreme 3D joystick. I have issues with the joystick as well. When I let go while flying, the plane (any of them) will just pitch up until it does a complete flip. I have calibrated the joystick over and over but I can never let go of the joystick while flying not even for a second. I always have to fly with the joystick pushed forward.

I tried programming the brake function on one of the many joystick buttons and it doesn't help. I have tried clicking on every emergency brake I can see.

Like I said, if I repeatedly press the period button, the plane actually starts to move. But it doesn't work for all planes.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

eabing wrote:

When I let go while flying, the plane (any of them) will just pitch up until it does a complete flip. I have calibrated the joystick over and over but I can never let go of the joystick while flying not even for a second. I always have to fly with the joystick pushed forward.

I tried programming the brake function on one of the many joystick buttons and it doesn't help. I have tried clicking on every emergency brake I can see.

Like I said, if I repeatedly press the period button, the plane actually starts to move. But it doesn't work for all planes.

You may have inadvertently saved a flight which can cause those problems.
Try deleting your 'Flight Simulator X Files' folder in (My) Documents. This will reset the sim to the default flight and you'll lose all of your saved flights.
When you start up FSX the next time, a new, clean 'Flight Simulator X Files' folder will be built automatically.

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