Pro Member Chief Captain
Chris102 Chief Captain

I love your FS10 video! Some of the things you did in it are really neat. How did you get the moving gates and stairs-on-a-truck?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

😀 Most of that vid was filmed on location in Germany 😂

Breman,search Avsim for it
It has has a few faults,which you can overcome,like turning the off all other traffic as it has its own flight traffic plan(you get some strange results if you dont)

You use the radio to call up fuel trucks,airport bus ,food trucks,airbridges and stair trucks
There is a fairly big Read with it with all the radio frequencies

Its a cracking little add on that I found in April last year âž¡

The direct link to the d/load is now dead but still available at avsim and flightsim

Pro Member Chief Captain
Chris102 Chief Captain

Thanks TTT!

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