Download not appearing in Fsx free flight menu

Pro Member Trainee
purrpaw Trainee

I have downloaded a Spitfire and loaded into the fsx files and it works.I then downloaded the Vulcan file,extracted all the files and loaded into the correct fsx files ie airplanes and effects.The 6 variants of the Vulcan are in the Airplane file but does not appear when I run fsx,very frustrating.Any ideas what may be wrong?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Put a check-mark in the box marked "show all variations" and see if it shows up.


Pro Member Trainee
purrpaw Trainee

Yes I tried that shortly after loading,nothing,just the resident airplanes.
This is really bugging me,have installed Microsoft SP1 add-on,do you think there is another that may cure problem?
The Submarine Spitfire loaded and runs perfectly and I cannot see any difference betwen that action and the problem add ons.Same thing again when I tried another download,all appropiate files loaded and are in correct place but a big fat nothing when trying to run.

Pro Member Trainee
purrpaw Trainee

Have employed the same download and transferring of files for FS 2004 and all work,ie.those files designed for FS2004.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

You loaded SP1 but haven't loaded SP2 yet.


Pro Member Trainee
purrpaw Trainee

Re sp2,yes have downloaded(just now)and afraid to say no luck.
Am running Win7,what I do is download file to a temp folder,extract all files,copy the appropriate file(eg.all models in the FSX file,in this case 8 Vulcan models contained in the objects file and paste all models into the correct file in fsx prog.
When I check,all models are in the Airplane file
I then do a similiar action with the Effects and Scenery,they all show up in the correct locations.
Now I hope you can come back and say no no thats the wrong way,otherwise I shall just go and shoot myself.
I am 76 yrs old in Dec,so please allow for dotage factor.
ps. I was an AEO in the early sixties on Vulcans 101 Sqd.Scary but loved it.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

It sounds as if you are doing it right.
If the airplane folder had the aircraft's name on it then it should show up.
Here is our tutorial on how to install FSX aircraft.


Pro Member Trainee
purrpaw Trainee

Have just downloaded a Microleve microlight and it works,also downloaded SuperSabre and it works,although it was a self extracting file,ie. a.exe file.
Am going to hit the sack now and try again tomorrow,thanks for your patience Radarman.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

When you put the aircraft folder into the simobjects/aircraft folder did you check to see if it was a folder with a similar folder inside.
In other words a folder within a folder, if so get rid of the outer folder like you would gift wrap.

Think about it while you sleep.
If you can give us the link to the download or even the zip name.
This way we can download it and read the read-me that's included with all downloads.


Pro Member Trainee
purrpaw Trainee

This is the link that I have had bother loading and not seeing it for free flight,I seem to be having more success in single "model" downloads and running them,which leads me to suspect that I am suffering from a bit of finger trouble.
When you download an FSX zip file with multiple models is it wrong to load into the airplane file en -bloc.?

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Try this one and see if you can do a little better.


Pro Member Trainee
purrpaw Trainee

Yep I downloaded that model earlier today and it works just fine,I think I will give up on the other.
Once again thanks for you great help and patience.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Glad it worked, it was probably a minor reason that the other didn't show and neither of us could figure it out.
Enjoy the new one.


ACE-9 Guest

HI there.

Its been a while since the original post, but I had the exact same problem today.

In desperation! I read the manual downloaded with the files (Manual ACG Vulcan AI and Scenery.pdf) and under the heading "Can’t see the Vulcans" a solution was discovered.

My AI traffic in FSX was set to 0%, after I turned it to 100%, all worked exactly as it should.

Loads of Vulcans at RAF Waddington and the 4 ready alert aircraft took off dead on 1400 hrs. WOW..

Hope this helps.

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