Fuel capacities on the Boeing 777-200LR

Rick G Guest

On a fresh start-up flight with the Boeing 777-200LR, available fuel shows 327,000 lbs. The aircraft barely wants to get off the ground, but is much improved once it burns off about 6,000 lbs of fuel. Is there anyway to tweek the amount of fuel you are starting out with? I would imagine that the aircraft .cfg file shows total amounts of fuel available and that amount is what you start out with on a fresh flight? I'd rather not adjust these figures, and leave the .cfg file alone.

Any thoughts or suggestions will be appreciated! Thanks - Rick

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

You can adjust the fuel and cargo when you choose the aircraft (When the jpeg. is spinning).


Rick G Guest

Thanks Radarman, but I checked the payload and fuel. Aircraft was over gross by 9135 lbs. I revised the tables on the menu you suggested, didn't help. I was still over gross by about 400 lbs. Did some math and got the aircraft to balance payload and fuel, but still plays hard in getting off the ground. Thought for sure it was fuel, but has to be something else?

I'll keep on looking, thanks, for your input just the same! - Rick

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

It's your video card, chances are it's a bit older than it should be.
A while back I couldn't get an Antonov 225 off the ground, empty.
I bought a better card and and no problems.

Lower autogen, and clouds, shut off shadows and AI, that might help.


Rick G Guest

Radarman - Why is it just the Boeing 777 freeware downloads that are affected? All my other aircraft work flawlessly! I have tweeked the one 777 model, let me look at the other to see what that fuel and payload settings looks like.

By the way, the 777 will get off the ground,. but it takes most of the 7017' that RWY 36 offers at Savannah and it goes well beyond the 160 KIAS rotation before it agrees to fly!

Thanks Radarman, I will keep this post updated if I find something!


Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

It might be heavier (the aircraft itself) or too graphic intensive for your card to handle.


Rick G Guest

Radarman - I'm pleased to say, I have 2 great Boeing 777's now that I have worked out the problem of these aircraft being slow to takeoff! Thanks for pointing out the window on FSX opening screen that could show me fuel and payload. I must have looked at that box 1000's of times but never had the need to open it. Once I opened the fuel and payload window, it showed that I was about 60.000 pounds over gross. When taking a closer look at the information this window provides, you can easily figure out if it is payload related or fuel or both! In my case, both aircraft were over in the fuel department which meant the passenger and their baggage could stay put! For some reason, the only aircraft that has ever given me a problem, was the 777- 200 series. I have 3 - 777-300 series aircraft which were "spot on" from the moment of download!

Bottom line is, once I knew it was fuel related, I had to determine what was causing it. I managed to find online some Boeing fact sheets/specs for the 777- 200 series, which clearly showed what fuel tank capacities were appropriate for each model of this particular aircraft. I did have to tweek the aircraft .cfg files accordingly and the weight and balance did come back as good!

Anyway, thanks again! Anyone that is having performance issues with their aircraft, you have one window you can easily check to see if weight and balance is playing a role!

Have a nice day! - Rick

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Glad you found it, adjusted it and all works like it should now.


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