Iris F4 Phantom gauges

Pro Member Trainee
wilfrano Trainee

Down loaded the Iris F4 Phantoms, but although I get the 2D and VC panels , most of the gauges are blank???Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Wafu.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Take the folder from the download.
Put one folder into the main aircraft folder with the airplane.
Take another, empty the folder into the main gauges folder ( do not put it in here with the folder, just the contents).
See if that helps.


Pro Member Trainee
wilfrano Trainee

Hi Radarman. thanks for your reply. There does not seem to be a "gauges folder" in the down load as such. If you open the panel , there is a gauge folder, but it only contains XML document files? So I am not sure which folder you are saying to move into the aircraft folder Sorry to be such a dummy, but I am still learning. Wilfrano

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

You found a gauge folder (hidden).
Leave it there and unzip (from the download) another.
Take that gauge folder and put the contents of it in the main gauge folder.
Strange that he didn't bother to tell you and hid it also.
Lets hope this works.
If not, why not email him and ask what to do, they are usually friendly.


Pro Member Trainee
wilfrano Trainee

😉 That did the trick!! Thanks for your help. wilfrano

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Great news.
Thanks for letting us know.
It will help other members.


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