Hi. New computer with windows 10. FSX steam edition working fine. Install of all add on downloaded aircraft OK. Problem: cannot get AI carriers, or RFN gauge to install . Both these programs, I have had installed on my old computer with windows 7 and FSX Acceleration, and they are working fine
I have tried to follow the same proceedures to install them on my steam version and got nowhere. Obviously I am doing something wrong!! and although I have read the items in this forum on the problem, I have not had any success trying to follow the advice.
Can someone give me an "idiots guide" to help me with this problem?? Thanks Will. 😕
For SE you need the latest version of AICairriers.NET, not the older, originally written, AiCarriers.exe.
NET Framework v4, is needed also.
Just place them in the conf.d folder in the AICarriers main folder.
Found all of this elsewhere, I think it will solve problems.
Hi Radarman, thanks for your reply. Where did you download A I carriers.net from, I don't see it in flyaway simulation?
Any thoughts on the RFN gauge? I have transferred all my carrier capable aircraft from my old computer, so they all have the modified panel cnfg for the RFN gauge. but it does not even appear under "views, instrument panel" Thanks for your time. Will. 😕
Here is AICarriers.net.
RFN Gauge, install.
I hope these both work out for you.
Hi Radarman, once again thank you for your swift replies. Still no luck with either AI carriers or RFN gauge, in steam. With the RFN gauge in some aircraft it appears in "views, instrument panel " as TACAN, as it should, but when selected, sometimes it flashes momentarily, then disappears, and in another instance, when selected, a black square appears, where the gauge should be.
AI carriers, I get nothing at all?? Any more ideas would be appreciated, otherwise I guess I'm going to have to be satisfied staying with my windows 7, and FSX acceleration, that all works fine
Thanks again Will.
The AICarriers.NET. download seems to be the favorite among most of the posters that I read, they were happy to get rid of Java.
All can think of is to go to the forum at Steam, the problem there is 3 page posts.
This seems to be the latest, good reviews and we carry add-ons. Free ones and payware.
Hi Radarman. Some success! I down loaded the files from AI carriers .NET that you sent me. Ran FSX steam and simultaneously ran "ai carriers application file", using "run as administrator" This gave me the "add ons" in FSX tool bar and when selected, got the ships positioned ahead of the aircraft. Landed on OK.
However after taxiing onto the cat, selected parking brakes, shift "I" to arm the cat, and nothing??
Tried with parking brakes off, and also with "shift u" before "shift I " still no cat arming? Any ideas?
Still can't get the RFN gauge to work in Steam though. On selection, it flashes once and then does not appear?
Thanks for your help. Will.
Hi Radarman, spoke too soon! now when I select add ons from the FSX steam "free flight" tool bar I get two listings.
1. no formations configured
2. check AI carriers config?? Will.
Do number 2 that you have listed make certain that it isn't corrupted.
Here is the latest version of RFN.
Thanks Radarman, I'll work with this and see what I can achieve. Will.
Hi Radarman, how do you get this version in English? Thanks Will.
Google translator, you will have to do the PDF's yourself.
Created by Sylvain Parouty, Gauge RFN version 5.00 for naval air operations displays a modern presentation while retaining the possibility of classic display. Developed for FSX, FSX-SE, P3Dv3 and P3Dv4, it will allow you to have many functions, all configurable. Thus you will have a TACAN hanging on any mobile declared in RFN_carrier.xml, a mirror with very precise adjustable slope, equipped with white lights of engine call and lights of WaveOff, a function ILS, a radio guidance by the Officer of Deck, a catapulting with steam effect and adapted deck exit speed, the ability to transpose the aircraft from any point directly to an on-board area (GoTo function), setting up a rescue helicopter, the functional lifts of the Charles de Gaulle or the doors of the hangars of the Frigates, not to mention the full fuel on board. In addition, in ASSP (Simulated Landing on Track), the area will be marked at night. This version 5 brings the LRLS (Long Range LineUp System) and, for P3Dv4, the water vapor effect on catapulting on any aircraft carrier.
When using the "GoTo" function and in the case where the aircraft is not posed and stable on the chosen destination, switch to "Transposition" mode (via the Y key, by default) and repeat the transposition .
Recommendation: follow the installation procedure noted in the pdf to go from the previous version to this one. The quick procedure (32 and 64) should only be used after fully installing the gauge on a first aircraft.
vLSO is the associated and indispensable complement to the RFN gauge. This vLSO Tutorial in French will allow you to master it and to appreciate it in its use with RFN. You will have a complete debriefing of all your passes (ASSP and landing) on all aircraft carriers and ASSP zones contained in RFN_carrier.xml. The insertion of an aircraft carrier directly to the aviation route with the relative wind in the axis of the oblique runway makes it a must.
These tutorials will help you in your learning or development with a little technique from the real and adapted to the virtual. A first document, made with Joël (Former Apprentice Officer), concerns the technique for Etendard, Crusader, Fouga, Alizé aircraft, with an adaptation as faithful as possible for the simulation. It is accompanied by its English version translated by Aurélien and Benoit.
A second document will teach you how to get on with the propeller planes that preceded the reactors as well as everything concerning the maneuvers aviation, catapulting or takeoff, the barriers, the signals of the Batman, all accompanied by very beautiful and rare photos of time. Magni
Thanks again Radarman. You are dealing with a real "numpty" here!! Iv'e got it translated into english, using Bing tranlator, now I can't find how to get into the PDF file for the instructions. Sorry to keep on and thanks for your patience. Will.
OK Radarman, I have stumbled on how to get to the PDF files. Thanks Will.
Good going.
Study them and I hope it works out well.
Hi Radarman, well after lots of trying I have got both the above to work up to a point. Landing on, no problem, mirror and lso working. However can't get the cats to work, with all the usual commands i.e. shift U , shift I, and brakes on or off . Any ideas. Thanks Will.
I would email the designer of the aircraft and ask him.
They are a pretty nice bunch and will probably help.
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