Some Amazing Plane Crashes!!

Pro Member Trainee
tricky2070 Trainee

Thought you guys might be interested in these photo's

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Manuel Agustin Clausse (Agus0404) Chief Captain

Thanks for sharing it! Nice pictures there...

Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

😳 The 1st pic I look at is a fake ➡$12M-burp.jpg

Check the reflection 🙄

Plenty of other good shots though 👍

Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

Fear Now this is something you do not want to see while your sipping you drink ➡

from the above site

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

I don't understand why the picture from the link 2 posts above is fake ❓

Pro Member Chief Captain
Chris102 Chief Captain

99jolegg wrote:

I don't understand why the picture from the link 2 posts above is fake ❓

In that picture, the plane casts a shadow, but the flames do not. That's a dead giveaway Wink

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

Oh yeh, I see it now 🙄 Thanks 😀

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