Is Adobe Editor Needed to Install Repaints in FSX Steam?

Michael Quigley Guest

I'm an amateur, and I've tried to install repaints for the default aircraft. I learned from instructions and videos that you have to go into the aircraft.cfg and paste in the new texture. I know Adobe Editor is a paid subscription, so is it necessary to have it to install the textures? If so, is there another way to edit the PDFs for free?


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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

No, all you have to do is open the cfg. when it asks where ( in notebook) and put in the next number as directed in this tutorial.
If it doesn't show up stay in that tab and put a checkmark in "show all variations".


Michael Quigley Guest

I try to open the cfg and Adobe says it cannot open the file because it is not supported.... etc.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Adobe has nothing to do with the flight sim.
Just right click on the cfg. and it will ask what App you want to use, choose notebook.


enko Guest

Notepad 😀

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Embarassed Notebook. Thanks!


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