ATC frequencies who is responsible?

Trevor Bailey Guest

Who sets the ATC frequencies in a given airport scenery? I use Inibuilds EGLL and there is only one frequency for clearance, pushback, and taxi requests, which when using a realistic level of AI traffic makes it almost impossible to get in the air! Surely these requests, which require readback, should be handled on at least two frequencies. Can these be added by the user?

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

Hello there!

Great question. I can understand the frustration caused by congestion on the ATC frequencies. To address your query, let me break down the responsibilities involved in setting the ATC frequencies for a given airport scenery.

In Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020), the default ATC frequencies are typically set by the simulator itself based on real-world data, which is primarily sourced from Jeppesen and other aviation data providers. However, when using third-party scenery, such as Inibuilds EGLL in your case, it is the responsibility of the scenery developer to accurately represent and include the correct frequencies for the various ATC services.

The good news is, you can indeed modify and add frequencies yourself. To do this, you will need to use the SDK (Software Development Kit) provided by Microsoft Flight Simulator, which allows users to create and modify scenery files. Here's a brief rundown of the steps involved in editing ATC frequencies using the SDK:

  1. Install the SDK and open the MSFS Developer Mode.
  2. Load the respective airport's BGL file in the SDK Project Editor.
  3. Locate the ATC Communication section and edit or add the necessary frequencies.
  4. Save the modified BGL file and reload the scenery in the simulator.

Before you jump into editing the scenery file, I recommend checking for updates to your third-party scenery or contacting the developer (Inibuilds) to report the issue. They might already have a fix available or be working on one.

I hope this information helps you get those ATC frequencies sorted out for a smoother flying experience at EGLL. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to ask. Fly safe!

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