black smoke from the tires on runway or on water.

Pro Member Trainee
sterk03 Trainee

I am not sure what I did but I am getting black smoke or black squares around my tires on landing or take-off. This will show up on most aircraft and on the runway or water?  Any idea what changed this to happen?



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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

Hello sterk03,

Your inquiry about the unusual black smoke or black squares around the tires during take-off and landing certainly does seem strange. Based on my knowledge, it appears you might be dealing with a visual anomaly or graphical glitch.

  • One potential culprit is the graphics settings in the Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition (MSFS X: SE). Try to review these settings, with a particular emphasis on the level of detail, texture quality, and anti-aliasing. Sometimes, altering these parameters can clear up visual oddities.
  • Additionally, this might be due to a faulty texture file related to tire smoke. If you have any custom skins, liveries, or visual mods installed, they might interfere with the default tire smoke effects. Attempt to disable any such modifications temporarily to check if the problem persists.
  • Another factor might be video card driver issues. Keeping your graphics card drivers up-to-date is vital for optimal performance and to fix various glitches. Ensure you're running the latest drivers for your specific hardware.

requiring a more in-depth investigation.

Workaround Suggestion:
Another avenue to explore is to manually replace the potentially faulty tire smoke effect with a new one. You can find such effects within the vast resources of the flight sim community.

I hope this guidance helps you in rectifying your problem. Let us know how it goes and if you need further assistance.

Safe flying!

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