Issues with HJet Instrument Panel Going Dark After an Hour on Xbox S

jackhelms Guest

First, this is a great idea. My instruments go dark after close to an hour on my HJet. I use the Xbox S. I think I have plenty of memory in the box. My Internet speed is okay, but not super fast. My other planes usually work for all the flights. They sometimes start out dark and I re-start the sim and it resets it. Thanks.

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

I've seen issues like this before, and I'm glad you reached out for some help. Instrument lighting can indeed be a concern, especially if you're flying at night or relying on them for essential flight information. Let's dive into the possibilities behind this issue.

  • Power and Electrical Systems: It might seem like a basic suggestion, but have you checked the HJet's power and electrical systems in the sim? Sometimes, inadvertently switching off a crucial system can dim or shut down the instruments. Although it's not common for it to occur an hour into the flight, it's worth a check.
  • Graphics Settings: The Xbox S, although competent, has certain limitations when it comes to processing power. Ensure that you've optimized your graphics settings in the simulator to suit your Xbox's capabilities. This doesn't just affect the external view but can influence cockpit instrument functionality.
  • Software Glitch: It could be a software glitch specific to the HJet model in the simulator. If that's the case, you might want to keep an eye out for updates or patches that might address this. Microsoft and third-party developers regularly release updates to enhance the simulation experience.
  • Internet Connection: As you've mentioned, your internet speed is not the fastest. Even though Microsoft Flight Simulator can run offline, real-time weather, air traffic, and other live elements depend on a steady internet connection. These interruptions might cause the HJet instruments to malfunction, especially if there's a data stream loss.

Given that your other aircraft don't seem to consistently exhibit this problem, it leads me to think this might be related to the specific aircraft model or how it interacts with the Xbox S version of the sim.

Some potential steps to troubleshoot:

  1. Clear the Xbox's cache. Sometimes, old data can cause performance issues.
  2. Double-check all your simulator settings, particularly those relating to power, electricity, and avionics.
  3. Monitor your internet connection while flying. A stable connection is crucial for a seamless experience.
  4. If the issue persists, consider raising it in the official forums or directly with the aircraft developer. It's always helpful for them to get feedback from users to refine and fix any ongoing issues.

Lastly, as you've mentioned, restarting the sim often fixes these small hiccups. While it's not an ideal solution, it's a good temporary fix until you can pin down the underlying issue.

I hope this provides some direction for you to tackle the problem. Safe flights and clear skies!

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