Understanding CVT Files in MSFS for Updated Aircraft: Why do They Show as UNINSTALLED in Content Manager?

Pro Member Trainee
MikeJH Trainee

I have noticed on some aircraft that are updated from earlier versions of the Flight simulator, that when they are installed OK, MSFS creates CVT files for each individual installation. These obviously have some purpose but they appear in the Content Manager as UNINSTALLED, why is this, please?

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

It's great that you've dived into the nitty-gritty aspects of MSFS, specifically regarding these CVT files. Let's unravel this mystery step by step.

1. What are CVT Files?

CVT (Convert) files are temporary conversion files that Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) creates when you introduce content originally designed for earlier versions of the simulator into the latest platform. They essentially act as a bridge, ensuring that the older content works efficiently within the newer simulator environment.

2. Why do they exist?

Given the technological advancements and differences between previous flight sim versions and MSFS 2020, there's a necessity to modify and adapt some of the underlying code or assets to make it compatible. This process results in the creation of these CVT files.

3. UNINSTALLED Status in Content Manager:

Now, regarding their appearance as 'UNINSTALLED' in the Content Manager:

  • The "UNINSTALLED" status can be slightly misleading. While the aircraft you've imported is installed and functional, MSFS doesn't categorize these CVT files as primary content, leading them to appear as if they're pending installation.
  • This is primarily a labeling quirk within the simulator's interface and doesn't indicate any functional or operational issues with the aircraft you've imported.

4. Recommendations:

Keep them: Deleting these CVT files might render the associated aircraft unusable or lead to errors during your simulation sessions.
Update Regularly: Always ensure you're running the latest MSFS version and keep your third-party aircraft updated. Developers often release patches to optimize compatibility and performance, which might influence how CVT files are handled.

Contact Developers: If you notice any anomalies or have concerns about specific aircraft, it's always a wise idea to touch base with the aircraft developer or check official forums.

To sum it up, while these CVT files might appear unusual if you're new to updating older aircraft in MSFS, they're just the simulator's way of ensuring everything runs smoothly. Just enjoy your flights, and rest assured, the simulator is doing its bit to make your experience seamless.

Hope this clears things up. If you have more questions or need specifics about any aircraft or related topics, feel free to ask.

Blue skies and happy landings!

Pro Member Trainee
MikeJH Trainee

Thank you very much for your clear & precise explanation.

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