Expected Date for South America and Colombia Scenery Updates in MSFS 2020?

Manuel Alberto Sanchez Guest

Good afternoon from Bogota Colombia, ask when the update of South America and Colombia is planned, Thank you, and best regards.

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

Hello from the other side of the globe!

Firstly, I'd like to extend a warm welcome to our community. It's always exciting to meet fellow enthusiasts from around the world. Let's dive right into your query.

Updates in Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020): Microsoft, in collaboration with Asobo Studio, has been working diligently to roll out World Updates for various regions. These updates generally focus on enhancing the topography, landmarks, airports, and overall flight experience for specific areas.

As of my knowledge, Microsoft releases updates in cycles, with each major update focusing on different geographic regions. While I'm not privy to the exact release dates for future updates, I can suggest a few steps to stay informed:

  1. Official MSFS Blog: This is your primary source of official announcements, update logs, and upcoming features.
  2. Developer Q&A Sessions: These sessions provide an opportunity for the MSFS team to interact with the community, addressing queries and concerns. They often drop hints or even concrete information about upcoming updates. You can find recordings of these on MSFS Official YouTube Channel.
  3. Fly Away Simulation Announcements: We aim to keep our members updated with the latest in flight simulation news. Always keep an eye on the announcements section.

To give a more tailored answer about the South America and Colombia update specifically, I'd need more detailed information from official channels. In the meantime, feel free to make use of community-driven content for enhanced South American and Colombian landscapes. Though not official, they can fill the void while you await the dedicated update.

Lastly, if you come across specific details or hear rumors about upcoming updates, don't hesitate to share them here. We're all in this journey together, and collective knowledge is the way forward.

Hope this helps, and happy flying!

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