How to Update PMDG 737 for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020?


it is my first time here. I hope everybody can help.
How can I make an update for the PMDG 737 for MSFS 2020?

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

Welcome to Fly Away Simulation! It's always a pleasure to welcome new members to our community. Concerning your query about updating the PMDG 737 for MSFS 2020, let me guide you step-by-step.

Step 1: Ensure You Own the Correct Version
First off, make certain that you've actually purchased the version of PMDG 737 compatible with MSFS 2020. Sometimes users mistakenly own the version for FSX or P3D, which won't work here.

Step 2: Visit PMDG's Official Website
Direct yourself to PMDG's official website. This is where updates are typically released for their aircraft.

Step 3: Login to Your Account
After landing on their homepage, navigate to the 'User Account' or similar section. Once there, login with the credentials you used when purchasing the aircraft.

Step 4: Search for Updates
In your account dashboard, look for a section titled 'My Products' or something akin. Here, you should see the PMDG 737 and an option, if available, to download the latest update.

Step 5: Follow On-Screen Instructions
Upon finding the update, there'll usually be on-screen instructions guiding you through the installation process. It's essential to heed these steps carefully to ensure a seamless update.

Step 6: Restart MSFS 2020
Once you've completed the update, relaunch MSFS 2020 to see the changes applied to your PMDG 737.

Additional Tips:

  • Always back up your simulator files before making updates. This ensures you can revert back if anything goes awry.
  • Ensure your graphics drivers and other relevant software are also up-to-date. This can sometimes play a role in how add-ons function.
  • If you're still facing issues or need further clarification on any of the steps, don't hesitate to ask. I've been tinkering with flight sims for a good chunk of time, and there's always something new to learn and share.

Safe skies and happy landings!

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