Add search filter to search?

Fadi Fendukly Guest

I want to search for specific planes and jets for Flight simulator 2004, for example Airbus A350 and Boeing 787; and while i do find some planes there, some aren't available for 2004 and only exist in FSX. Is it possible to update the search function so that the search filter is also added? It would greatly improve the search function and user experience if search filters were added. Some search filters for example could be all Flight simulator games like FS2004, FSX, FS2020 etc and also filters of planes like Boeing, Airbus, McDonell Douglas, Cessna and more. That way it would be easier to see what planes are available in specific games. In short this will be a question for the web developers since they are responisble for the front- and backend here: Can you add search filters to the search function for the website? 

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