Question about saved flights

Pro Member Chief Captain
Insight Chief Captain

Ok, so I have been saving my flights as I have been going along....

now when I load up my flight to do the next leg of my journey how do I refill my fuel tanks? 🙂 I landed with only 8 gallons left (probably barely enough to take off and climb to height 😀 )

I see petrol pumps on the airfield... do I use those? lol

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Take your choice of these three ways.
1: Taxi over to the fuel pumps. (nose in as close as you can).
2: Assign a key to the command "Add Fuel Quantity".
3: Select "Aircraft - Fuel and Payload" from the menu (press Alt).


Pro Member Chief Captain
Insight Chief Captain

Thanks Radar man I just figured out number 3 when I spotted the option in the menu 🙂 doh!

Do 1 and 2 work in conjunction? drive up to petrol pumps THEN press the "add fuel quantity" button?

Any idea how that works with selecting which tanks the fuel goes into?

Pro Member First Officer
michlin First Officer

Starting back when I got FS98 I used to pull up parallel to the fuel pump wait a couple of seconds and the fuel gage would shoot to (all tanks) full. No difference with FS9

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Right, 1 and 2 are separate. Use one or the other.


Pro Member Chief Captain
Insight Chief Captain

Ah cool...thnx guys 😀

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