Pro Member Trainee
ronmac Trainee

I need some help with installing new planes. I can get every thing done I unzip the folder and read the read me file I do just what it tells me to do when I put the files in the fs9 folder I check them and they all are there but when I go to the main Flight Simulator program and I open it I go to the aircraft window and open the plane window and what I down loaded is not there. Please tell me what I am doing wrong


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Pro Member Chief Captain
Insight Chief Captain

are you unzipping the folder of the add-on aircraft into your fs9\Aircraft folder ?

For example you are adding a Spitfire with the folder name "SpitfireMkV".

You extract this folder so that in your aircraft folder you will have something like C:\FS9\Aircraft\SpitfireMkV

Once you have done this it should work ok.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Matthew Shope (mypilot) Chief Captain

ronmac wrote:

I need some help with installing new planes. I can get every thing done I unzip the folder and read the read me file I do just what it tells me to do when I put the files in the fs9 folder I check them and they all are there but when I go to the main Flight Simulator program and I open it I go to the aircraft window and open the plane window and what I down loaded is not there. Please tell me what I am doing wrong


Pro Member Trainee
Alois Norbert Forrer (fonopal) Trainee

ronmac wrote:

I need some help with installing new planes. I can get every thing done I unzip the folder and read the read me file I do just what it tells me to do when I put the files in the fs9 folder I check them and they all are there but when I go to the main Flight Simulator program and I open it I go to the aircraft window and open the plane window and what I down loaded is not there. Please tell me what I am doing wrong
Hi Ron.
You know sometimes you'll have to paste the content of the file and not the whole file .Make sure you are reading the read me folder carefully.
Above all you have to make sure you'll paste the files in the apropriate
folders. The folder it should go in to is as follows:
C:/Microsoft/Microsoft games/Flight simulator FS9/aircraft.
C:/ is the assumption you save the files there!!!! naturally.
Have fun

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