FS9 Configurator


This free program might be of interest to those who wish to change some of the FS settings


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Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

I see that you can change the AI taxi speed 😀
Ill give it a whirl Poke in Eye

Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

😀 Hey,this speeds up the taxing aircraft just as it said it would 👍

This looks like it could be the fs9 tweakers heaven Hack
It looks like you can adjust anything,and when I say anything I mean anything from aircraft to scenery

Im going to have a little play with this and Ill let you know

If your not into messing with files,I would still get it just for the taxi speed tool

1st impressions 10/10..........just for the taxi speed 😉

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

Very nice! It has all of the config files under separate aircraft names under separate subheadings all in one place. Very useful! 😀

Pro Member First Officer
patw First Officer

I use Ultimata Traffice, and it can sometime get very busy at heathrow and now with AI taxi speed it looks pretty good.

Pro Member Captain
Dave Copeland (davec) Captain

Hi TTT - I forgot to sign in when I posted that FS Configurator tip-off. I couldn't check it out myself as I am still in the throes of an FS9 uninstall/install. Wish I had left it as it was - I didn't realise I would have so many items to get up-to-date.
Just glad it does something useful.

Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

Hi Dave,good luck with the reinsall(fs really flies when its fresh 😀 )

This fs9Configurator is the dogs twitcher.............What a Great find 👍

Thanks Dave

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