damn instrument pilot checkride!!!!

GRR!!! Guest

This is like the 5th time something goes wrong in the instrument pilot checkride. I'm so tired of thinking I'm doing everything correctly until the stupid lady's voice comes on saying "I'm sorry, you did not pass the checkride." It's not my fault too. Last time I failed the checkride, it was right after I executed the missed approach, I was climbing too 2100 ft at a heading of 339 when a messege comes on saying that I'm far too right...so I turn right to try to intercept the VOR. When I climb to 2100 ft, still unable to intercept the VOR, the "You're too far right" messege goes off!! Finally, when the lady's voice comes on, she told me that i failed because I did not maintain 339 degrees. Censored Censored Censored Censored

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Pro Member Captain
Sam (SamIntel) Captain

Yea, I know, those check rides are stupid. This is what I want to do to the lady. ➡ Wall Bashing Whip Yes
If I were you I would not worry about it, obviously you are capable of the IFR requirements.

Shatterer Guest

😀 I'm glad you feel the same way. I only do the checkrides for the certificates. I mean...I have the first two hanging in my room...I might as well get the whole package 🙄

P.S. That first post was by me 😛

Guest Ed Guest

There are bugs in the checkride. It is possible to pass it (or so I hear) but it's not just a matter of flying the ride correctly, you have to do things in a very specific way or you will fail.

Do a search, here and in the FS2002 forum. There is help out there.


Pro Member First Officer
michlin First Officer

I have never had any problems or aggravation with checkrides. I refuse to take them. 😀

Andy2005 Guest

I agree. The checkrides are totally screwed up. If there's one woman in the entire world who it's ok to hit it's the one doing the annoying voices. Also, when I completed the solo checkride it gave me the private certificate.!!?? Blink

Pro Member Captain
Zach (ranald) Captain

I was never able to complete the instrument ceckride something always gos rong Mad

Shatterer Guest

Andy2005 wrote:

I agree. The checkrides are totally screwed up. If there's one woman in the entire world who it's ok to hit it's the one doing the annoying voices. Also, when I completed the solo checkride it gave me the private certificate.!!?? Blink

That's because at the moment when you completed this checkride, you did not upgrade to FS9.1

They have it fixed in that patch.


Shatterer wrote:

😀 I'm glad you feel the same way. I only do the checkrides for the certificates. I mean...I have the first two hanging in my room...I might as well get the whole package 🙄

P.S. That first post was by me 😛

This topic has some good advice: https://forum.flyawaysimulation.com/forum/topic/123/failing-instrument-checkride/30/

Alternatively, if you feel like you passed but were robbed by that vicious female examiner, you can just print out the certificate and edit in your name using Photoshop, PSP, or even MS Paint. 😂

Shatterer Guest

How would I print it?

SoCalRick Guest

Shatterer wrote:

How would I print it?

Just go to this folder:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Uires\

And locate this file:


Load it into MS Paint (or whatever you have for editing graphics) and type your name on the certificate, then print it out! 😎

Shatterer Guest


I feel much better now

Pro Member Trainee
privatepilot Trainee

GRR!!! wrote:

This is like the 5th time something goes wrong in the instrument pilot checkride. I'm so tired of thinking I'm doing everything correctly until the stupid lady's voice comes on saying "I'm sorry, you did not pass the checkride." It's not my fault too. Last time I failed the checkride, it was right after I executed the missed approach, I was climbing too 2100 ft at a heading of 339 when a messege comes on saying that I'm far too right...so I turn right to try to intercept the VOR. When I climb to 2100 ft, still unable to intercept the VOR, the "You're too far right" messege goes off!! Finally, when the lady's voice comes on, she told me that i failed because I did not maintain 339 degrees. Censored Censored Censored Censored

Hey, Grr, just read your difficulty with I.R. check ride. Don't feel so bad, I've been trying for 3 months, and 150 times!!!!!!!!!! do u believe that, well. So have you successfully completed it as yet? Today is June 2nd, 2005. If you have please let me know, and maybe you can help me throught it . By the way...to get through the ksea airport at the 339* heading, you must make sure your on a precise heading of "338" way back at the 17 mile mark at "FACTS" to set up early for the right headings. Also,...when your approaching ksea at about 1 mile out, make sure your between "840-900 feet altitude, exactly...and then keep on 338-339* heading. Don't overwork the joystick or yoke. If your at those headings just leave it there as you enter ksea...don't change "anything". When the examiner say climb to 3000' and turn 160* , then your all set. But that's just the beginning of your fun, wait it get's worse. This is were I am and I just can't get passed the 140 radial. So if you can help me I'd appreciate it, Grr...

Anyways, hope you successfully complete the check ride, ... let me know, good luck!
Private Pilot

muratokay Guest

Guys, did you notice that u can use autopilot? Nothing bad happens if u activate it, so it's a good way to make it a little bit easier, but it's still sooo hard. Since the stupid autopilot descents some dozens of feet more before leveling in the altitude you have chosen, maybe decreasing the altimeter knob 1 or 2 mmHg can help. (This causes the autopilot some dozens of feet above you intend, but that's better than being below) (You can use Shift+Z to see your actual altitude)
I made it to PARRK and then returned to SEA VOR as instructed. Then I entered the HOLD pattern on 140 degree outbound radial. That stupid female voice sad I didn't enter the hold pattern correctly! GUSSSHHHHHH!
I now give up trying more or I'll screw my head. I think it's much better to use MS paint or another program to print that unreachable certificate.

Pro Member First Officer
SoCalRick First Officer


gazpode Guest

you've prompted me to think. I NEVER use the main altimeter setting on the AP. I always use the vertical speed setting. First set about +300-500 ft per min upwards on you VS and then click the ALT button and enable the AP. This sets the plane climbing at the correct speed chosen. I've found using the VS to be very precise.


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