Medical Advice - not sore gums, not cut wrists

Pro Member Captain
Dave Copeland (davec) Captain

There seems to be a modicum of medical knowledge within the forum - my question is - I have replacement joints, consisting of nylon and titanim, in both knees and they are now troubling me - do I treat them with WD40(a spray on lubricant) or Ibuprofin 🙄 😉

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Alex (Fire_Emblem_Master) Chief Captain

Try the Ibuprofin first, if that don't work, WD-40 fixes anything. Seriously though, if they bother you for a long time, get a doc to look.

Pro Member Captain
Dave Copeland (davec) Captain

Hi FEM - the last doctor(female) that looked at my knees - fainted 😂

Pro Member Chief Captain
Matthew Shope (mypilot) Chief Captain

Well my dad's friend didn't spray WD40 on his knees, but his computer! 😂

Well you can call the doc.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Ibuprofin (Advil) reduces swelling (Inflamation), I just finished a weeks worth of 600 3 times a day for a pulled tooth.
Plus other meds.
I'll send a bill in the morning! 🙄

Go to a Doc, your better off then with us.


Pro Member Captain
Dave Copeland (davec) Captain

I'm afraid your advice is all wrong - took a dram or two of malt and all the pain disappeared and it was enjoyable too 😂 But thanks anyway 😉

Pro Member Captain
David (The-GPS-Kid) Captain

"Ya ken, theres noot better than a wee dram to fix the ailes of man" !


Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

No, No! Now you know that I should be testing that medication before you take it,just incase its not right for you ROFL

Pro Member First Officer
Kurt Stevens (KurtPStevens) First Officer

Can I get in on this beta program as well?

Pro Member Captain
Dave Copeland (davec) Captain

tomthetank wrote:

No, No! Now you know that I should be testing that medication before you take it,just incase its not right for you ROFL

I did test it - and it gets better all the time - after the 14th, I felt grand and didn't feel any pain at all - slept all night too Sleep Sleep Sleep

Pro Member Captain
Dave Copeland (davec) Captain

The-GPS-Kid wrote:

"Ya ken, theres noot better than a wee dram to fix the ailes of man" !


Where did you get that false Scottish accent from, David - you have been keeping bad company 😂

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