Omega Drivers

Pro Member Captain
Zach (ranald) Captain

I have heard omega drivers give better FPS is this true? I tried d/loading them for my card but they are older than my current Nvidia drivers will this just decrease my FPS?

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Pro Member First Officer
Greg (FL050) First Officer

Omega drivers aren't really ment to give better FPS, as to whether or not they actually do is debatable. They are mainly drivers for messing with your video card more than the drivers that come off the ATI website. In other words, I wouldn't bother.

Pro Member Captain
John Hodges (originalgrunge) Captain

Omega drivers have very targeted benefits. Although they have them for nearly all video cards, they are really intended for laptop users. I'm still running FS on my 3 year old suped-up dell laptop with the GeForce4 Go 64mb video card. Nvidia, however, in all their infinite wisdom, chose NOT to support their Go series, or any of their laptop series, with new drivers. As a result, the most recent drivers for my computer (downloaded from their website) date back to March of 2003. Without the Omega drivers, my video card really would be stuck back in the stone age. When I re-install my system (about yearly), I usually try out FS with the original drivers just for the heck of it. With Omega drivers, my frame rates nearly triple! So in short, if your video card is still supported by your company, then don't worry about the Omega drivers, but if you're in my shoes, go for it!

Pro Member Captain
Zach (ranald) Captain

Triple the frames!!I'm going for it but then agian Nvidia are still making drivers for my g/card (6600GT good card 😎 )

Pro Member Captain
John Hodges (originalgrunge) Captain

I think you missed why I was getting triple the frame rates and what that actually meant for me. The reason why is because my card wasn't being supported, so I had NO new drivers to work with whatsoever. You certainly won't see more than maybe a 1-2 fps increase with an omega driver, and it most likely won't do anything since you have ones that were made a few months or weeks ago, as opposed to 2 - 3 years ago. Also, if you triple 8-10 fps you get 20-30 fps, so since you're probably seeing much better than that anyway, you won't see the same kind of jump! =)

Pro Member Captain
Zach (ranald) Captain

OK thanks anyway 👍

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