why is it taking me so long to reach places??

BoschBosch Guest


I hope someone might be able to help. I am running FS2004 on Windows XP and it seems to take me ages to reach destinations...a good hour or even two hours longer than it should.

I am certain its not how I am flying my 747-400, as I am flying at its maximum cruising speed.

My ETA on the garmin gps gets slower and slower as the flight goes along, even though the aircraft actually gets quicker as it burns off fuel.

I have been flying from London to JFK and that took 7hrs 52mins with a distance of 3018nm. I also flew London to Newark and that took a monsterous 8hrs20mins to cover just 3001nm.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Might it be a fault in the game or am I doing something wrong??



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Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

If you are using the flight planner, it takes longer as it takes you over Canada for some reason. Are you sure you have the right cruise speed i.e. 0.88 Mach ❓ Other than that, serious head on winds ROFL

BoschBosch Guest

yup definately at max cruise speed....can even get her to go at mach0.93 but it still took nearly 8 1/2 hrs to go 3000 miles!!

Pro Member Chief Captain
Matthew Shope (mypilot) Chief Captain

Your time is not that far off. That is how long it has taken me from start to finish. Remember that the the wind usually blows west in the U.S and that is your heading alomost. 99joleg is right. The flight planner does take you through canada.

If you want to speed it up you can increase the simulation rate.

Pro Member Captain
nottobe Captain

or maybe you accidentally lowered the sim rate

Pro Member Chief Captain
Matthew Shope (mypilot) Chief Captain

nottobe wrote:

or maybe you accidentally lowered the sim rate

That's a good point. Check that out. Tell us if you get it fixed.

BoschBosch Guest

ok, thats an interesting point....

how would I check what my sim rate is set at??



Guest Ed Guest

BoschBosch wrote:

ok, thats an interesting point....

how would I check what my sim rate is set at??



Press "alt" then "Options" then "Simulation Rate."


Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

Or just press R and then either + to speed it up or - to slow it down.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Manuel Agustin Clausse (Agus0404) Chief Captain

Yesterday, I made a flight from Frankfurt, Germany to Boston, MI, USA. This was a 3177 nm flight and it took me 8h29m with an A340-300.
The time is perfect. I just arrived 24 minutes lates because of a go-around.

London to JFK and that took 7hrs 52mins with a distance of 3018nm. I also flew London to Newark and that took a monsterous 8hrs20mins to cover just 3001nm.

The time in your first flight is right. With 3018 nm and flying a 747-400 you should take approximately 7-8 hours. It all depends on your flight plan too.
Now, the second flight with 3001 nm and 8h20m is a bit strange. But there's nothing to worry. Winds can slow the aircraft down. Also if you're fully loaded, the aircraft flies slowly than normal.

BoschBosch, you are doing the right thing. The times are right compared to the nautical miles.
I know it takes long. And I never increase the simulation rate because I don't like it and also becuase I want to make my flights as real as possible.

Have nice flights and smooth landings! 😉


.88 Mach? Are you guys crazy? It should be done at around .84

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

0.88 isn't an unreasonable speed and is within the maximum limits of the aircraft. 🙂

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