Hello all,
In a previous post, I noticed people saying that the only difference between FS9 and FS8 was that FS9 had older aircraft. Is that true, because if so, I might as well uninstall FS9 and replace with FS8 for space???...also, I assume there are many more downloads for FS8 than FS9...what do you say?
In my opinion fs9's improvements over fs8 are rather small. Some of the more noticable advantages of fs9 are ➡
new weather system (I hardly use custom weather as it can be too comlicated for my little brain. I usually use real world wether)
inproved atc (Few more options)
better scenery with slightly better graphics (sometimes hard to tell when comparing with my mates fs😎
Brand new garmin GPS. (This is nice and fancy but the old crappy looking one still did the job)
Historic aircraft (which are fun for 5 mins but nearly impossible to fly without rudder pedals)
I think these advantages are nice but for an extra $40/50$ I'm not sure.
No doubt that fs9 has made imrovements over fs8 and is overall the best simulation but is it worth the xtra money and space?? Also they still make downloads for fs8 so you're ok there. I can't remeber much about the flight school in fs8 so perhaps someone else should give some more advice but I've given my knowledge.
Good luck deciding. 😀
Andy2005 wrote:
In my opinion fs9's improvements over fs8 are rather small.
Good luck deciding. 😀
😳 I think that the graphics are far,far better in fs9
And ATC is much improved,but as for the older aircraft(dont let hear
) not much fun
Try having a play with the weather is much better,you can add layers and winds
One thing to remember is that fs9 is much more hungry program.You will need a good GFX card and at least 512mbs of ram
I enjoyed FS8 whilst I had it but had an annoying bug with the AP. It sometimes would not respond to changes in alititude, I would be clicking away on the altitude trying to increase or decrease and it would just sit there laughing at me! FS9 resolved this issue.
Graphically I would say FS9 wins hands down. I didn't notice too much difference originally as I had the same graphics card for both.....but then I spent some serious money on a card and FS9 walked it. Weather, ATC and overall appearence are hugely improved.
FS9 also has taxi and runway signs.
tomthetank wrote:
I think that the graphics are far,far better in fs9
No question. If there is any confusion a user could try capturing screen shots from both versions using default a/c and scenery on a decent computer that could handle max sliders at 40 FPS with their graphics card AA and AF maxed out (and plenty of lovely clouds don't forget). The screenies from FS9 will win hands down. Oh: "IMHO." 🙂
And ATC is much improved,but as for the older aircraft(dont let
) not much fun
LOL, true again, I haven't spent much time in the vintage a/c but once and a while is fun, though definitely a challenge.
- better terrain
- more detaied buildings
- much better atc
- more realistic
- opening doors - i love!!!
- The flight center, a great improvment
- Flying lessons, a great improvment
- Better graphics
- More airplanes
- More detailed virtual cockpits
- More options
- Better interface/layout
- More information
- MUCH MORE addons for FS2004 than FS2002
- More detailed aircraft
- FS2004 is even more talked about, look at the amount of posts in FS2004 general and FS2002 general!
- Detailed runways
- Detailed taxiways
many more that i have no time to list, have to proceed to school now.
I still have FS8 in my cupboard, but god knows when I am going to install or use that game again 😛
I installed my FS8 after that big virus because there was a few flanes that I wanted. 😉 Like the crosshair and the 182RG.
mypilot wrote:
I installed my FS8 after that big virus because there was a few flanes that I wanted. 😉 Like the crosshair and the 182RG.
You should use whatever sim you like, but you certainly could have whatever plane you want in FS2004. I have the best of both worlds, as in the shot below where I'm flying my 182RG in FS9 with scenery that is not available for my previous version.
well everything looks a lot more detailed and there are more planes. there are taxi way signs which make FS9 very real. some airports have default jetways. only the really big ports.
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