FS Global or FS Terrain???

Pro Member First Officer
horrgakx First Officer

I bought 2 original products from eBay sellers, Just Flight's FS Global and FS Terrain.

What is the difference? Do I install only one? Which one?


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Pro Member Chief Captain
tomthetank Chief Captain

😕 FS Terrain is Europe only
Try it and see what happens

Pro Member First Officer
horrgakx First Officer

Do you think that the European terrain in both products will be the same?
(however the FSTerrain is also USA, Alaska, Hawaii)

If so, I may as well sell the European one.


Pro Member Captain
nottobe Captain

I recommand that you install FS Global 2005, this 12.6 GB package covers the whole world, its the same 76 meter resolution mesh terrain as other sectional terrain packages.......one for all....

Pro Member First Officer
horrgakx First Officer

Thanks, I'll do that.

In a related question, I read that with the 9.1 patch the resolution could be increased. Does anyone think this would apply to m and how do I go about it?

Pro Member Captain
Jon Van Duyn (JVD) Captain

There will be absolutely no difference because they both made the scenery using the same information supplied by NASA.

Pro Member First Officer
horrgakx First Officer

Thanks JVD, I'll put the FSTerrain back on eBay then.

Again, the 9.1 patch has support for 19 meter digital elevation data. Does the FSGlobal support this out-of-the-box?

Pro Member Captain
nottobe Captain

the resolution is variable in FSGlobal05, in some extremely rugged terrains (not too many). Yes it does support....But you dont come across these terrains too often in the simulation.....

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