
Pro Member Trainee
Alan (malteser) Trainee

Hi Folks
I have a couple of aircraft that use the FMC but I don't know how to use it. Has anyone got a link I can use to study it.
Crying or Very sad

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

What aircraft in particular. Most reputable sites have FMC guides online. and go to downloads and then to Documentation


Pro Member Trainee
Alan (malteser) Trainee

Cheers Jon
One of the planes is the 747 the Queen of the skies. I looked on their site and could not find it. What a wally.
Thanks again

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain
Pro Member Captain
John Hodges (originalgrunge) Captain

Starting off with the PMDG 747 FMC is going to be really tough! It certainly is the most fully modeled of all the other FMC - equipped aircraft I've used.

What are the other ones you've tried? If you start with something simpler, even just the PMDG 737 or LDS you may find the jump less intimidating.

Whichever you start with, an easy way to start working with it is let the FMC lead you through the menus it needs. When you load it up, Just hit the Init Ref button right away (usually top right). Some planes ask you to enter a position, others ask just for a reference airport. Once you understand how to load that, it should have a little "Route >" tab at the bottom. When you hit that you can go strait to the route page (usually to/from on the main page is all that's important, then hit "next page" to program in the individual waypoints / jetways until that's all full).

You'll notice once that's done a new button shows up called "Activate >" on the bottom. It certainly does what it says =). Remeber to hit the "Exec" button on the main keypad after activating the route (usually a glowing button). Lo and behold, the "Activate >" button should now read something like "Perf Int >", where you can load up the gross-weight, fuel weight, etc., all which can be found under the "Fuel and Payload" menu of the sim.

Finally, this should turn something into "Takeoff >" or sometimes "N1 limits >" or something to that effect. Here you enter the flaps you will use for takeoff, and the sim will usually calculate the V-ref speeds for you if you just hit the right button(s).

If you just keep following those links on the bottom left side of the screen, you'll find that the FMC will ask you for everything it needs to activate the VNav and LNav without having to jump around! Cruise altitude usually goes in there somewhere, but I'm not positive where.

Once again, when you're making your approach, if you hit that "init ref" button again on the top right of the keypad, up pops your final landing speeds w/corresponding flaps already calculated for you!

These are all the basic basics, but there are TONS of tutorials out there on how to get a better working knowledge of all the other pages.


Pro Member Trainee
Alan (malteser) Trainee

Thank you John, I will try it out and see. My limited experience of the GPS is that only a few commands are really very important and it seems the FMC may be similar but that bit more complicated.

Pro Member Captain
Jon Van Duyn (JVD) Captain

The 747's FMC is very similar to that of the 767. So here's a link to the Level-D 767's download page. There you will find a PDF file that describes the FMC [ and the rest of the 767's systems] resonably well.

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