Best Training

crosscheck9 Guest

In my opinion, the best form of training there is, is touch and go. At first, I was reluctant, thinking since I was just going back and forth, it wasn't worth it. The past few days however, have been really busy for me, so I haven't been able to make long flights, as I usually do. What I've started to do on a regular basis, is take the cessna skyhawk from Seattle Tacoma to the Boeing Airfield just a few miles northeast. It has really improved my flight skills. Centre-line landings occur 90% of the time now, night or day, and I've become more comfortable with manual flight. Honestly, there is no book or text that can teach you how to fly, more than these routine takeoff's/landings.

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Pro Member First Officer
Bartholomew First Officer

Why don't you become a member, Crosscheck? 😕

Pro Member Captain
WarHawk42 Captain

crosscheck9 wrote:

Honestly, there is no book or text that can teach you how to fly, more than these routine takeoff's/landings.

Once you learn the basics there is nothing better than practice, lots of practice. I like light planes, mostly older ones, but I work on making good landings.

Of all the planes in that come with the sim the Cessna is probably the best training tool in the sim. It may not be glamorous enough for some, but it is a good trainer until you achieve the skills you need to move on to more difficult planes.

Master it and the others will get a lot easier.

crosscheck9 Guest

WarHawk42 Said

Master it and the others will get a lot easier.

You took the words out of my mouth there warhawk. Well said 😉 - And Bartholomew. Well, ofcourse you'd understand that it's my dream to become a member, but the thing is, I don't have easy access to a credit card, and I feel like my parents already don't smile at the fact that I like flight so much. They're skeptical, and think it's the most dangerous job there is. My mom especially doesn't like where this is going, so I prefer not to bring up the subject around them. It's not a financial issue..hey, if it was up to me, I'd take 5 dollars out of my pocket and give it to you, but now, everything is done electronically. I guess I'll just have to wait. However, wouldn't it be cool if I was a member 😀 - In time....

Pro Member First Officer
lkw First Officer

Touch and go's are a good way to familiarize your self with a new airplane. You learn where all the controls real quick. Crosscheck9 I have seen you around so often I had you pegged a member.

crosscheck9 Guest

Thanks for peggin me a member lkw. Thats all I ask 😀

Pro Member Captain
jarred_01 Captain

I agree with all of you. The only way to get better in Flight Sim or GA is just to practice practice practice. I'm in the same boat as you crosscheck9. My parents think all I think of and do in life is Aviation. Lol 😀

Pro Member First Officer
Bartholomew First Officer

So we've heard why Crosscheck can't become a member and I guess we all do believe him, but we've also seen he's always around and has a lot of topics, answers, advices and stuff, so can't you, the moderators, make him a member for free? I'm sure 5$ wouldn't damage you. 😀

Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

Show me the way and i pay the 5$ for crosscheck and im sure that a lot of us will offer also 😉 ...He is worth the price...Although i think that your parents loves you my friend and if you be a litle diplomatic and explain that its a site and not a real craft maybe they give up... 😉

Pro Member Chief Captain
Alex (Fire_Emblem_Master) Chief Captain

shoot, i'd do it too...matter of fact, FEM's 18th B-day is next week friday...maybe I could see if I can talk flyaway into doing a mail-order membership 😉

Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

Fire_Emblem_Master wrote:

shoot, i'd do it too...matter of fact, FEM's 18th B-day is next week friday...maybe I could see if I can talk flyaway into doing a mail-order membership 😉

Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap

I drink to your kindness FEM 🍻

Birthday???Hmmm...It smeels that another party is setting up 😉

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