
Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Can anyone tell me what an xml.bak. file is?

What is it used for in FS?

What do the file extension letters stand for?

Thanks in advance,

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain



It depends where you saw it if you should delete it, I wouldn't.


Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

RadarMan wrote:



It depends where you saw it if you should delete it, I wouldn't.


The .bak is straightforward -

The .xml will take a little more contemplation -

The WEBOPEDIA is now in my favorites folder!

The source of my curiosity was a tweak I found yesterday on one of the sites suggested by you or WarHawk and of course now I can't find the site. I think it had "Warbirds" written all over it.
I did however save the tweak which claims that ...if you go into your FS9 autogen folder and rename the file you see there to default.xml.bak... it will improve your frame rates when flying near cities.

I will give this a try, of course I'll back up the original first.

Thanks for the warning,

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

If you want to clean "garbage" out of your computer safely I've found this app to be excellent, and free.



Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Wow, what a little ripper!

I just gave that ccleaner a bit of a workout and I'm surprised at all the things it can do 😳
Lightning fast and thorough - so small yet so powerful.
The part I like best is that it hasn't caused my puter blow up in my face yet !

What a little gem 👍


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