Last week I bought "Ultimate Traffic" and it arrived today.
I did a "partial" installment because I was in my usual rush to see what I had bought. 🙄
It is nothing short of amazing, the aircraft parked at my airports has increased 10 fold. 😳
The traffic in the skies is overwhelming. 👏
The aircraft taxiing to the runways both leaving and arriving is a sight to behold.
The aircraft coming in to land and take off boggles the mind. I was standing in my Cessna watching and a 747 ran me over, what a hoot.
I took a before and after screen shot at KSEA, they aren't the most clear shots because wanted to reduce them for posting. 👍
I paid like everyone else, no bargains.
Hey, I hope you enjoy it! It does add to the loading time for me when i start up in a major airport, but it's definitly worth it!
originalgrunge wrote:
Hey, I hope you enjoy it! It does add to the loading time for me when i start up in a major airport, but it's definitly worth it!
👍 I couldn't believe all the traffic both in the air and on the ground.
I'd like to add more ground craft but I guess I'll have to do some reading for that.
I wish they had an easy way to add it since I have the program.
But I did notice a slowdown in my FPS because of all the new additions, it's well worth it.
This addition sounds really great. However, for my system, that may be too much activity. Would slow my system down too much. I will keep it in mind if I have a chance to buy a new system though.
Happy flying all.
RadarMan we did tell you before how good it was, did you think we we joking, FS9 is now as real as it gets with UT !
I downloaded/bought/installed Ultimate Traffic yesterday, and it is very cool.
The user interface is easy and results are just like everyone is saying, well worth the price of admission.
Airports are mobbed, so watch your fuel!
I made that mistake with the fuel, I like to calculate fuel for a flight (makes it more of a challange) I spent 40 min taxing around and waiting in line for take off and used up alot of fuel. When I finally got clearence for take off I forgot about my fuel, and on final to Brussels I got the fuel warning. so to all the new UT users if you want as real as it gets busy airport, then that is what you will get.
Best Addon for FS9
😕 Hello all you UT fans.
I have been reading this thred with great intrest and you nearly convinced me to give it a try(that is until I tried to find a UK supplier?
found one in Belgium)Oh and a d/load of over 100mb(my isp would have a fit)
Now, I take it that most of you UT users are across the pond from me as over here we have FSTraffic2004(whats the differance ????)
I used FST on fs2000 and that was good(remember those lonley skies)
So my question Which is best ? Does anyone have both??Err
After much forum reading Im going the UT way.
once it becomes available over here
that is
I am thinking of shipping a few over to the UK... maybe UK guys will be interested? If we can get enough demand, perhaps this could be possible? Radarman, the links you gave us for screenshots seem to be 'over bandwidth limits'. Perhaps you could upload them to the photo gallery? 😉
👍 No problem, I can do that but they didn't come out to clear.
If I may indulge myself in a short story about "UT".
Last night I went for a short flight "around the park" in my DC-3, about 10 minutes at KSEA.
When I landed I saw 14 aircraft lined up waiting to take off, others were moving to get into position. I taxied across the dirt "infield" and sat and watched this "spectacle", aircraft, maybe 2,3,4 at a time were getting into position to land and land they did, all makes and all markings. United, Delta, Alaskan, Southwest even a bare DC-3, I was fascinated.
By far the best $30 bucks I've ever spent.
Before adding "Ultimate Traffic".
After adding "Ultimate Traffic".
RadarMan....You dog....Now I got to have that....I got my setting set to full,andfor me there is too little traffic......I WANT....LOL
Where do you get it??? Can it be ordered over the net????HELP...I gotta have it.........
A good buddy of mine uses your expression.....*What a Hoot*......He is canadian......... 😀
Happy flying bud........Mason
Hey all. This looks like something I would enjoy having. Looks super!!
Happy flying all.
It really is fantastic, I only wish they had added more than 700 new AI aircraft, although if they did It would be like a L. A. freeway in the morning.
You can get it at . They are pretty fast with the delivery, good buy, good fun.
I'll try to post some more shots later today.
I want it,need it gotta have it
Been looking around and found this
Now Im real
Hope it helps anyone in the UK
RadarMan, can you help me? I am afraid to order this software due to my limited computer speed. I run at 1.2 Ghz. Can you tell me what the minimum requirements are for UT?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Happy flying. 🙂
Here are the system regs..........
800 Mhz Processor
512 Ram
64 MB video Card
Windows XP
But they go on to say that will probably run on 98 and ME but assume no responibatily for problems.......
see for yourselfclick on any link,,like the one RadarMan posted aboce where they sell it,and then click on what you want and the system regs are posted at the bottom of all software they sell.....
happy Flying Dude.......Mason
Thank you Mason. As always, you are a great contibutor here.
Happy flying to you too.
Yes - yes - yes I must get UT
I'm keen to see how many aircraft I see at Barra (EGPR) beach strip which has 3 official flights a week depending on the tide!!! 😂 😂
The trouble with UK suppliers - $30 translates to £30 with most of them
jimmyglockner - did you change your clock back???
To davec
The best uk price I have found so far is £24.99 from ➡
Im still searching and if I find it any cheaper (or any sooner) Ill let you know
Edit Thats with Free P&P Any UK reader find better please let us know
Thanks tomthetank - now there are two of us looking - will let you know 🍻
Have established that ready available in US at $29.95 plus $12.95 shipping which comes to £23.30 - so might be worth having a decco as long as they don't charge VAT - worth thinking about.
Last CD I got from US took only 1 week to come.
😀 Update for UK price £22.99 Free P&P Pre order here ➡
Still searching
Update 🙄 (If only I could read the full page before getting all worked up)
Even better news 👍 Plus a 5% discount if ordered now making it £21.84 (if my fingers are working correctly) Ill say that once more.........
ONLY £21.84
Looks good 😂 😂 Thanks
Almost tempted to order now 🙄
For those considering add-on traffic take a look at 'Just Flight's Traffic 2004. US $29.99, free shipping to UK, USA & Canada ($4.50 to Europe and $7.00 to the rest of the world). I'm in Texas and received my CD-ROM in 7 days from the UK.
I have the traffic density set at 54% and there is more than enough traffic to contend with at major airports. With 35 AI aircraft & over 100 liveries it's a nice sight to see. You also have the option to pick & choose which AI aircraft you want to fly (with FS9 default panels) or load all of them. I chose the Concord and MD-11. Very nice.
There is also Spotty. Choose Spotty when you want to watch the traffic. You can move anywhere you want, even move sideways as a plane takes off. Well worth the bucks.
I'm not affiliated with Just Flight. I'm just a very satisfied customer.
i have UT too. I will post some hi res 😳 images when i get home, hold u all horses
No waiting folks, just download it from
Have fun,
Waiting in line, I'm the red X watching.
Could you fill it with $2 dollars regular and check the tires please.
😂 😀 😂 😀 😂 😀
Just loaded and ran FS9 with UT......Very nice!
Then ran FS9 with UT and FS-Hotseat to hear the AI aircraft sounds.....Very, Very nice!!!!
Did u like ur new ut ❓ I hope u enjoyed it ❗So do u always fly ❓
Reply me at as soon as possible ok
Where do you get it??? Can it be ordered over the net????
You can get it at[/quote]
First of all, I want to try the download version. This add-on sounds great. Thanks RadarMan! 😀
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