PMDG 737600/700 ILS landing

Newboy Guest

Hi Guys,

On the normal fs2004 aircrafts, when ATC starts the landing sequence, they tell you that you are cleared to land on a certain runway. Once I know what runway has been assigned, I then go to the map and have a look at the ILS frequency and set it in my radio.

In the PMDG 737, I cant do that. So how do I know what the ILS frequency is for the assigned runway?


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Pro Member First Officer
Tartanaviation First Officer

You should just be able to press alt, then click map view from the options that appear from the top of the screen. If you program the FMC properly in the PMDG you shouldnt have to get the ILS frequency anyway as the data is already stored it is just a matter of selecting the runway to land in the FMC

Pro Member First Officer
JTH First Officer

How do you use the FMC?

Pro Member First Officer
Michael_H First Officer

On the normal fs2004 aircrafts, when ATC starts the landing sequence, they tell you that you are cleared to land on a certain runway. Once I know what runway has been assigned, I then go to the map and have a look at the ILS frequency and set it in my radio.

You can do the same thing in the PMDG 737

Pro Member Captain
John Hodges (originalgrunge) Captain

Provided you have the latest nav-data (a self-installer you can get here:, and pretty much even if you dont, you can go to the "Dep/Arr" page and drop in the runway you're heading for. Even if you don't understand all the options under there (i.e., the STAR, the fix that you want to intercept the approach at, which approach you're selecting, etc) just select something and don't worry. You'll get vectored in for landing so that stuff won't really matter to you if you're flying off line or under ATC control.

What you wanted from that is to tell the flight computer what runway you're landing at, so now when you go back to the "Init Ref" page (top left button on the FMC keypad), you should see the ILS frequency and course sitting right in the display, just below your approach flap/speed settings.

Simply dial that course into the MCP's course display, and then tune the nav1 radios to that frequency, and you're good to go! Don't forget once you've got the APP mode activated to hit autopilot command B.

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