Hi... any one have the feeling that Microsoft stop to make FS more realistic after 11 September?? I don't know but long long time with no updates... the cockpit's know sucks!! no GPWS no nothing!
yeah they are scared i suppose, but hey, if people want to commit atrocious crimes they will always find a way!
Dont take it out on us simmers!!!!!!
Oh well, back off the soap box!
Micah 😉
marcelok wrote:
Hi... any one have the feeling that Microsoft stop to make FS more realistic after 11 September?? I don't know but long long time with no updates... the cockpit's know sucks!! no GPWS no nothing!
It's a well known fact that fs9 was about to be released when September11 happened. Consequently Microsoft delayed the release and took out the "crash effect". There's no logic in this because people do what they want to do especially if it is prohibited. Besides, the effect can easily be added by editing the appropriate file. So for practicality's sake I suggest that MS include the crash effect in the next incarnation of FS. It will save add on developers and moderators of forums a lot of time.
While I'm at it, I might as well speak out: I find it absolutely ridicolous and contradictory that you cannot (by default) simulate a building crash in FS, yet you can walk into almost any store and purchase a fire arm.
"As real as it gets" ❓ ❓
Besides, the effect can easily be added by editing the appropriate file
How is this done Tailhook? I hope i havent missed something really stupid because on the odd occasion i do crash it just isnt real, in fact it is so uninteresting.
Micah 😉
It's still pretty realistic if AOPA in their latest infomail is suggesting that FS is used as a training tool. I suppose flying into buildings is still not considered realistic flying by some. I think the general intention of real flyers is to avoid buildings. That's probably why it is called a FLIGHT simlulator and not a CRASH simulator.
And while I'm at it: Why cant I fly a plane underwater? Hope that's in the next version too. 😂
Low ceilings and restricted visibilities are aviation's most deadly killers. But thankfully, with a little knowledge, you can minimize the risks these conditions pose. And you can do it without leaving the ground. By using special Microsoft Flight Simulator scenarios, you can "fly" many of the conditions explained in the AOPA Air Safety Foundation's new online course, "WeatherWise: Ceiling and Visibility." See what MVFR looks like, how fog really looks when it hangs out around rivers and lakes, and what happens if fog doesn't burn off as expected. You can even experience the eerie sensation of running into fog and clouds at night. The scenarios are available at the end of the free course. Or you can download them directly from AOPA Online if you have Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 version 9.1 or above.
Micah wrote:
Besides, the effect can easily be added by editing the appropriate file
How is this done Tailhook? I hope i havent missed something really stupid because on the odd occasion i do crash it just isnt real, in fact it is so uninteresting.
Micah 😉
I can't find the parameter now, but you could try this in the meantime ➡ http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?CatID=fs2004util&DLID=60537
File Description:
This FREE utility is to enable / disable crash damage for aircraft in FS02/04. The aircraft model's built-in breakage function is disabled by default in Flight Sim. Crash Damage scans the selected "aircraft.cfg" file for the line "visual damage=1". If this line is not present the utility adds it for each paint job in the "aircraft.cfg" file. If this line is present crash damage is already enabled for the aircraft. Realism is also set to “Hard” and “Detect crash and restore situation” is enabled.
Enjoy 😀
Here are some more ➡ http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?CatID=fs2004util&DLID=68969
➡ http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?DLID=&Name=crash&FileName=&Author=&CatID=fs2004misc
Make sure you alert the local firebrigade before you start creating havoc ❗
Tailhook The Master Of Disaster
Well observed Greekman - and a pyromaniac in my spare time!!!
But you my friend will soon be going up in flames too without crashing unless you close those cowl flaps on your beautiful "Connie" ❗
Just where did you 'buy' your pilots licence
Tailhook wrote:
Well observed Greekman - and a pyromaniac in my spare time!!!
But you my friend will soon be going up in flames too without crashing unless you close those cowl flaps on your beautiful "Connie" ❗
Just where did you 'buy' your pilots licence
From outlets... 😉
Greekman72 wrote:
Tailhook wrote:
Well observed Greekman - and a pyromaniac in my spare time!!!
But you my friend will soon be going up in flames too without crashing unless you close those cowl flaps on your beautiful "Connie" ❗
Just where did you 'buy' your pilots licence
From outlets... 😉
The least you could do is provide a link for one of those 'outlets'
Now don't tell me you expect a bribe...
Now don't tell me you expect a bribe...
Of course i did...Such kind of infos are never free
But why you ask?Do you need to pay in order to get it?
You dont already have it? How else could you know about this Cowls...Except if you copy
dear Insight who was the first one who correctly noticed to me...
We hijack a topic for another one time... .Apologise to all ❗
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