Deleted gauges Help!!!


I made a big mistake I accidentally deleted some default gauges for FS9! 😞 I don't know which ones I am missing. is there a way I can get them back without reinstalling FS9? Mad

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I just cheked and the gauges in the default cessna 172 and 182 are missing. They don't appear in the 2d and virtual cockpit.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

According to the post MSGAME3.CAB on CD 2 contains the gauges. If I insert that CD will I be able to reinstall the gauges without uninstalling and reinstalling the whole program, and will it overwrite any existing add-on gauges?

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Anonymous wrote:

According to the post MSGAME3.CAB on CD 2 contains the gauges. If I insert that CD will I be able to reinstall the gauges without uninstalling and reinstalling the whole program, and will it overwrite any existing add-on gauges?

You will not need to uninstall fs9.

Save the MSGAME3.CAB to your hard drive.
Open the .cab file and copy all the files that start with: cessna_xxx, there should be about 47 of them
Paste those files into your Gauges folder in your fs9 directory.

Whether or not it will overwrite existing gauges depends on your aircraft add-ons. I doubt that any gauges will need to be overwritten -- but you never know. If you're worried, don't overwrite when prompted. Just keep the MSGAME3.CAB handy somewhere on your hard drive in case you need it again.

Should you find that some gauges are missing, do the whole procedure again but this time overwrite when prompted.

Hope I haven't confused you Hack



Thanks! That fixed the problem and eveything is back up and running! It was relatively simple to do and not confusing.
Thanks again! 🍻

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